Lösungscode: Row 8 and column 8.
am 13. August 2023, 12:49 Uhr von anyeyeball
Super-fun puzzle!
am 24. Januar 2023, 02:08 Uhr von RussKozerski
If I see a 1-star rating and the name Will Power, I know I'm in for an enjoyable 20-30 minutes. Thank you.
am 21. Juni 2022, 19:43 Uhr von highball
great puzzle. Thanks Will.
am 5. Juni 2022, 13:13 Uhr von wentel21
Lovely logic <3 Thx
am 5. Juni 2022, 01:23 Uhr von sacklunch
@Will I'm new to these beautiful sudoku variations, so I tend to enjoy the easier puzzles more, haha. But I love a challenge! I'll probably attempt anything you create at this point. There are so many amazing creators here - thank you again!
am 3. Juni 2022, 15:10 Uhr von the_fow_fow
Nice puzzle, thank you.
am 3. Juni 2022, 02:17 Uhr von sacklunch
Fantastic puzzle, @Will Power, you're quickly becoming one of my favorite setters. Very enjoyable logic between the kropis and german whispers, and it's beautiful how the renbans resolve. Thank you!
@sacklunch Thank you for the comments. I have more puzzles waiting to be published. Should I increase the challenge? I have one that will require you to step back and think about the break-in before starting. Happy solving. 8-)
am 2. Juni 2022, 20:05 Uhr von clholl10
Lovely puzzle! I'm still fairly new at puzzle solving, but I've come across a few of yours now and have thoroughly enjoyed each one :)
am 2. Juni 2022, 07:55 Uhr von Leonard Hal
I think some dots are unnecessary,but that doesn't stop it from being a nice puzzle.