Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Sudoku Variants Series (373) - Four Winds Killer

(Published on 1. June 2022, 01:00 by Richard)

For this Sudoku Variants Project I have planned to publish a different Sudoku variant every week. I will see how long it takes before I am running out of ideas.

Four Winds Killer
Apply classic sudoku rules.
Divide all cells of the grid in cages (dotted outlined regions), such that each cage contains one of the small given numbers. These numbers indicate the sum of the digits in that cage, and all digits within the cage must be different. Furthermore, the clue cell is a Four Winds cell: from this cell the cage extends strictly horizontally and/or vertically, and the digit in the cell indicates how many cells are covered by the cage, excluding the clue cell itself.

Inspiration for this type comes from Franjo.

Solve online in Penpa+ (thx Dandelo!)

Solution code: Row 9, followed by column 6.

Last changed on on 2. June 2022, 06:18

Solved by bigger, rcg, Dandelo, Senior, zuzanina, Franjo, marcmees, Jesper, geronimo92, Statistica, kublai, AvonD, ildiko, misko, r45, azalozni, Rollo, Nick Smirnov, Mody, bansalsaab, HaSe, Zzzyxas, Greg, ... ibag, NikolaZ, ffricke, EKBM, pandiani42, Kwaka, Frankenfruity, Angelo, pin7guin, Krokant, zorant, polar, 111chrisi, TomBradyLambeth, Nickyo, Realshaggy, damasosos92, Bellsita, wetdog, goodcity
Full list


on 3. December 2023, 03:41 by damasosos92
That one was just insane.

on 2. December 2022, 13:24 by Krokant
Some of my brain cells are probably scattered into the four winds now, too. A real killer.
Great puzzle :)

on 7. November 2022, 13:02 by pin7guin
Wow - ein geniales Sudoku! Hart, aber gut.

Und: Jetzt bin ich wieder up to date und habe alle Rätsel der SVS gelöst. Yeah! :-)

on 4. June 2022, 10:49 by Mody
Ganz großartig und schön kniffelig.
Quite great and nicely tricky.

on 2. June 2022, 06:18 by Richard
Added link for online solving. Thx Dandelo!

on 1. June 2022, 18:09 by marcmees
Amazing puzzle again. A tough one in the series. Thanks.

on 1. June 2022, 16:24 by Franjo
Ich fühle mich geehrt, dass meine kleine Idee den Anstoß zu diesem fantastischen Puzzle gab. Vielen Dank!

on 1. June 2022, 12:58 by Senior
Von dieser Idee und ihrer grandiosen Umsetzung bin ich begeistert. Ein großartiges Rätsel!

on 1. June 2022, 09:44 by Dandelo
Very nice!


Rating:93 %
Solved:49 times
Observed:7 times

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