Six-pack Linked Sudokus #9
(Eingestellt am 15. April 2022, 11:31 Uhr von Genomico)
Another six-pack! :) So, one large puzzle consisting of six different variants of 6x6 sudokus, which are all linked together.
Normal 6x6 sudoku rules apply to all sudokus, so every row column and region must contain the digits 1 to 6. The different variants in the puzzle:
Killer: rules. (Digits may not repeat within a cage.)
Thermometer: rules.
Consecutive On-Line: rules.
Palindrome: rules.
Arrow: rules. (Digits may repeat on arrows.)
Renban: rules.
Adjacent sudokus in the six-pack are connected with clues from those two variants. For example: The line between the Killer and Palindrome sudokus is a palindrome clue.
The puzzle is also available on
Enjoy solving! :)
Examples to show how clues could be between adjacent sudokus:

Lösungscode: The 5th row of all puzzles, in the right order: Killer-Thermo-Consecutive on line-Palindrome-Arrow-Renban (36 digits in total).
Zuletzt geändert am 15. April 2022, 11:38 Uhr
Gelöst von Dandelo, Greg, Playmaker6174, dori_polic, AN_not_IO, Steven R, jkl, marcmees, Jaych, RJBlarmo, bigger, achim-t, abed hawila, DamnedLight, starelev5, Uhu, amolago, Krokant, samuella, Felis_Timon, ... Blake Saligia, Leodekri, dunder, darksida, ivardb, gigglingCaduceus, flaemmchen, Silverstep, Luaryo, morgannamodeaura, chien2000gl, DaleVandermeer, h5663454, saoer, HugoSimon, godoffours, aqefwf
am 20. April 2022, 02:22 Uhr von Krokant
Your linked sudokus are always a treat. :)
am 16. April 2022, 08:43 Uhr von marcmees
well linked ... once one 6x6 solved, the other ones followed. thanks
am 15. April 2022, 16:24 Uhr von Playmaker6174
Yaaay I was so excited when I saw another entry of this series, and this was a very smooth and enjoyable solve :}