Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Michael Palin

(Eingestellt am 4. April 2022, 21:18 Uhr von starwarigami)

Normal Killer Sudoku rules apply.
  • Along each blue line the cage totals form a palindrome, reading the same from each end.
  • Digits may not repeat in a cage.
CtC link
f-puzzles link

If you enjoyed this puzzle, please also check out its companion piece: Kylo Ren

Lösungscode: Row 5 (left to right) Column 5 (top to bottom) - 18 digits, no spaces

Gelöst von grkles, Playmaker6174, cbjenkins, by81996672, kolot, Julianl, peterkp, Statistica, brimmy, RockyRoer, abed hawila, Blobz, djorr, karen_birgitta, AvonD, brandon_bot, SSG, Innocuous, fjam, Ragna, ... dogfarts, Bankey, BHUNTER47, michaal94, D-E-M-O-N, Uhu, ghosting, Askloomok, morgannamodeaura, snowyegret, Paletron, Isael, Bjd, h5663454, mezkur7, Sewerin, SudokuHero, cybers, Da Letter El
Komplette Liste


am 2. Juni 2022, 22:21 Uhr von Bankey
Very nice puzzle; creative ruleset. Thanks, @ starwarigami :)

am 12. Mai 2022, 22:48 Uhr von Crusader175
Beautiful puzzle, brilliant ruleset idea!

am 12. Mai 2022, 16:51 Uhr von Christounet
Discovered this puzzle when the ruleset was presented on the CTC channel. Peaked my interest. Stopped the video. Solved it. Loved it! Thanks.

am 17. April 2022, 23:40 Uhr von abed hawila
Excellent puzzle with a smooth and satisfying solving path!

am 5. April 2022, 10:36 Uhr von kolot
Lovely puzzle with a clever break-in and a surprisingly smooth solution path afterwards. Well done!

am 5. April 2022, 06:53 Uhr von Playmaker6174
Lovely puzzle with an interesting concept! A great flow that keeps getting nice from start to finish :)

am 4. April 2022, 21:45 Uhr von grkles
I really enjoyed the break-in to this.

Bewertung:97 %
Gelöst:52 mal
Beobachtet:9 mal

Variantenkombination Online-Solving-Tool

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