Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Impossible Goblins

(Eingestellt am 3. April 2022, 04:45 Uhr von Thorsby)

If you are new to this ruleset, I also made an easier Goblins for Beginners puzzle.


Normal sudoku rules apply.

There are goblins walking around in this sudoku. Each clue outside the grid corresponds to a goblin and is the total number of squares that goblin walks, including the starting square. (A goblin will not stop walking simply because it has used up the steps in its clue, it has to be for one of the reasons mentioned below.)

A goblin will walk until it is about to walk into a square it has already been in or walk off the grid. Before then it behaves like this:

The goblin starts walking straight along the row/column with the corresponding clue. It starts in the square closest to the clue. The number in the starting square tells the goblin how many additional squares the goblin must walk before it turns 90 degrees. (Unless it has stopped so as not to walk off the grid, in which case it does not turn.)

(For instance if the goblin starts in square 2, it walks 2 more squares, not including the starting square, before turning.)

When the goblin turns, the number in the square in which the goblin turns tells the goblin how many additional squares the goblin must walk before it turns again.

The goblin will always turn right, unless left is the only direction it can take all the steps allotted to it by the square in which it turns, in which case it will always turn left.


The goblin’s path is marked with green.

When the goblin reaches the 3, it turns left. Otherwise it would have had to stop before walking 3 additional squares, because it would have reached a square it had already been to.

When the goblin reaches the 4, it turns left. Otherwise it would have had to stop before walking 4 additional squares, because it would have reached the edge of the grid.

When the goblin reaches the 8, it turns right, as it can’t walk 8 additional squares no matter which way it turns.

The puzzle:

Solving online with Cracking the Cryptic App: EXTERNAL LINK

Solving online at F-puzzles: EXTERNAL LINK

Lösungscode: Column 4, top to bottom, no gaps between numbers.

Gelöst von henrypijames, krielgn, hepcecob
Komplette Liste


am 16. Juli 2023, 23:32 Uhr von hepcecob
What a great puzzle. It's a travesty that it has only 2 other solves, and only 2 observers. This deserves to be on CTC channel. Such a cool concept, and so much great logic. I enjoyed it very much.

Zuletzt geändert am 5. April 2022, 16:57 Uhr

am 5. April 2022, 10:53 Uhr von thefallenrat
What happens if the goblin walks into the already visited square? Will it step on it making the square to be counted twice or stops before it?

[Thorsby: Stop before it. The square will not be counted twice.]

Gelöst:3 mal
Beobachtet:6 mal

Rätselvariante Online-Solving-Tool Arithmetikrätsel Wegerätsel

Lösung abgeben

