Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Eingestellt am 1. April 2022, 16:51 Uhr von zetamath)

Normal sudoku rules apply. Normal renban rules apply.

Additionally, no two renban can contain exactly the same set of digits.

[For example, if one length three renban contains the digits 345, no other length three renban in the grid can contain those exact digits. However, a length 4 renban containing 2345 or a length 3 renban containing 567 would both be acceptable.]

Have fun, leave a comment if you enjoy the puzzle!

Play this puzzle on CTC

Lösungscode: Row 9 followed by Column 9

Gelöst von Vebby, Julianl, Jesper, mutex, Enkerro, Uhu, SKORP17, Aaronomys, VicJameson, AN_not_IO, SenatorGronk, laregioncentrale, Elliott810, Koalagator2, noname1477, Agent, Deusmaximus, marcmees, cmb, ... karlmortenlunna, Ragna, konklone, ManuH, koba1917, Koba, Counterfeitly, MicroStudy, P12345, Bobbobert, MPR, diziet, jordanza, lmdemasi, vorash00, sorryimLate, wuc, Exigus, jakestilesowen
Komplette Liste


am 27. September 2024, 14:42 Uhr von wuc
Great setting. Very tricky very smooth. Thx for sharing.

Zuletzt geändert am 17. Oktober 2022, 01:57 Uhr

am 16. Oktober 2022, 22:26 Uhr von Syzygy
Tied myself in knots going around and chasing the logical route - slow going for me, but very straightforward - another great puzzle from Zeta

[Really happy you're enjoying it, I always love seeing someone going through my back catalogue! -z]

am 8. April 2022, 16:58 Uhr von blackgold
Just made an account to comment on this beautiful puzzle. It was such a beautiful journey

am 7. April 2022, 06:11 Uhr von antiknight
I saw you react to this puzzle on your stream but I told myself I needed to solve it since it seems like a beautiful puzzle and yes it ended up an amazing one ! Thanks for sharing.

Zuletzt geändert am 7. April 2022, 00:27 Uhr

am 7. April 2022, 00:26 Uhr von SimplePurpleFrog
I loved it, solid logic from start to finish, a surprisingly reasonably approachable puzzle. Very chuffed to have achieved it in exactly 1 hour.
Beautiful break-in.

am 7. April 2022, 00:25 Uhr von Crusader175
This is very very satisfying to solved! Very brilliant puzzle!

am 4. April 2022, 22:29 Uhr von LDdW

Zuletzt geändert am 3. April 2022, 20:54 Uhr

am 3. April 2022, 18:32 Uhr von Playmaker6174
A fun and pleasant solve path, I enjoyed it a lot :)

am 3. April 2022, 17:45 Uhr von abed hawila
Smooth and Very enjoyable!

am 3. April 2022, 09:56 Uhr von Christounet
Very nice constraint leading to a cool logical path ! Thanks !

am 2. April 2022, 15:08 Uhr von argl
A really neat idea cleverly executed. This was fun, thanks!

am 2. April 2022, 12:54 Uhr von DVFrank
Very nice logic throughout! :^)

am 2. April 2022, 08:34 Uhr von apendleton
What a delightfully constructed puzzle!

am 1. April 2022, 21:28 Uhr von SenatorGronk
Very cool idea. Thanks!

am 1. April 2022, 21:19 Uhr von VicJameson
What a lovely break-in. I've never seen this uniqueness rule for the renban lines before and you made a great puzzle out of it. Very enjoyable.

am 1. April 2022, 19:26 Uhr von Aaronomys
Very clever puzzle! Each discovery was fun to find. :)

am 1. April 2022, 18:14 Uhr von Enkerro
It might have been just me, but this turned out to be quite a hard one. Extremely pleasurable and smooth solve even though it took me 45 minutes. Thank you for this!

am 1. April 2022, 18:01 Uhr von Jesper
Smooth and pleasant solve, thanks!

am 1. April 2022, 17:12 Uhr von Vebby
Beautiful construction! A joy to solve :)

Bewertung:95 %
Gelöst:111 mal
Beobachtet:14 mal

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