Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

4x4 Arrow XV Sudokus

(Eingestellt am 1. April 2022, 08:00 Uhr von SudokuExplorer)

Normal sudoku rules apply
Each puzzle uses four distinct numbers.
Numbers do not repeat in any row, column or box.

Standard Arrow rules apply
Numbers along an arrow sum to the circled number.

Standard XV pair rules apply
Numbers separated by an X sum to 10. Numbers separated by a V sum to 5.
Not all Xs and Vs are necessarily given.

You can try them on Penpa+. Enjoy!

Lösungscode: Enter the bottom row of each puzzle

Zuletzt geändert am 11. April 2022, 21:50 Uhr

Gelöst von kolot, antiknight, Dandelo, Storm, FlowJo, Vebby, Jesper, MariaL, Jlrice2, tlgeotau, Panthera, Chesare22, SenatorGronk, Tony, zeecomoon, Crul, Dina, Euclid, ___, MathMan, wooferzfg, Steaky, Jakhob, ... harrison, meowzzz, matiasv5, kopfball, PulverizingPancake, SPREVVIE, LucyH, Bootenks, Piatato, filuta, Yawnus, Droi, AstralSky, cdwg2000, Yann, Alfred, SXH, by81996672, zhangjinyang, h5663454
Komplette Liste


am 14. Mai 2023, 09:40 Uhr von by81996672
Thank you for you wonderful puzzle,I didn't expect the solution code to be able to input these

am 7. April 2023, 10:54 Uhr von Yann
@macarena, it's not impossible, try using other numbers, and think about @Droi's comment.

am 26. August 2022, 06:39 Uhr von Droi
After you solved it, if your solution isn't working... don't be afraid to slash some digits

am 11. April 2022, 21:50 Uhr von SudokuExplorer
Removed tag

am 4. April 2022, 13:25 Uhr von filuta
really funny, good job setting this!

Zuletzt geändert am 3. April 2022, 21:29 Uhr

am 3. April 2022, 21:28 Uhr von Bootenks
It took me awhile and a slightly push to understand it. XD very lovely.

am 1. April 2022, 19:30 Uhr von SenatorGronk
Never before have I been surprised when my answer was accepted!

am 1. April 2022, 13:33 Uhr von MariaL
Haha, little devil!

am 1. April 2022, 12:54 Uhr von Vebby
Hahaha, crazy :p

am 1. April 2022, 09:23 Uhr von Dandelo

am 1. April 2022, 08:49 Uhr von kolot
Very cute and innocent looking puzzles! ;-)

Bewertung:94 %
Gelöst:45 mal
Beobachtet:12 mal

Variantenkombination Online-Solving-Tool Klein

Lösung abgeben

