Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Eingestellt am 4. März 2022, 22:22 Uhr von BenceJoful)

Standard Shimaguni rules apply.
  • Shade a single group of orthogonally connected cells in each region.
  • Shaded groups may not share a bold border.
  • Each region must contain at least one shaded cell, and no two adjacent regions may contain the same number of shaded cells.

Solve on puzz.link

Example (solve on puzz.link):


For each shaded cell in rows 2 and 6, give size (cell count) of the shaded group.

In the above example, the solution code is 22221.

Zuletzt geändert am 4. März 2022, 23:51 Uhr

Gelöst von Greg, PixelPlucker, h5663454, Dandelo, Franjo, bernhard, Beanie, Ore, CJK, TimurA, jessica6, Jesper, karen_birgitta, misko, Statistica, saskia-daniela, SudokuExplorer, Joe Average, Dina, Mark Sweep, ... PulverizingPancake, filmore, Uhu, rimodech, ildiko, polar, zorant, szabog, kjholt, GexTed, wisty, Raistlen, RockyRoer, Torvelo, rebca, uvo, Leonardo024, dumediat, webato, Vebby, sandmoppe, Roezaea
Komplette Liste


am 5. März 2022, 05:45 Uhr von PixelPlucker
Very nice!

Bewertung:88 %
Gelöst:51 mal
Beobachtet:3 mal

Standardrätsel Online-Solving-Tool

Lösung abgeben

