Valentine's Pentominous
(Published on 14. February 2022, 13:38 by Aspartagcus)
Happy Valentine's Day, everyone! :)
Here's a puzzle made just for today. If your special someone likes puzzles, feel free to use it to make a card or whatever you'd like.
Standard pentominous rules apply:
Divide the grid into regions of five orthogonally connected cells so that no two regions of the same shape share an edge, counting rotations and reflections as the same. Clued cells must belong to a region with the pentomino shape associated with that letter.
Links to solve it online:
Without colors
Including reference shapes
Answer check on green edges or lines.
Solution code: The letters of the shapes from left to right in rows 3 and 7 in succession. One letter per shape.
Last changed on on 14. February 2022, 13:45
Solved by Vebby, misko, Luigi, zuzanina, Jesper, CJK, moeve, Raumplaner, Uhu, ViKingPrime, bernhard, PjotrV, Lara Croft, Siebuhh, Dandelo, Steven R, PixelPlucker, MagnusJosefsson, Franjo, CHalb, Raistlen, ... data, jessica6, Lucx, RJBlarmo, effervescentblizzard, Joe Average, rimodech, ManuH, ildiko, WickSaban, skywalker, Mark Sweep, KNT, zorant, Gaabje1234, wisty, Kaidjin, kamkam, MicroStudy, rubbeng
on 14. January 2023, 03:13 by wisty
Very nice puzzle for me as a pentominous novice, thank you for sharing :)
on 6. March 2022, 17:23 by Lucx
Lovely ;-)
on 14. February 2022, 18:09 by ViKingPrime
Lovely little puzzle
on 14. February 2022, 16:34 by Raumplaner
sweet puzzle.