Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Watch my Sandwich

(Published on 7. March 2022, 18:22 by Angelo)

My very first puzzle combines sandwiches with a new constraint I like to call Watchtowers.


  1. Normal sudoku rules apply.
  2. Clues outside the grid give the sum of the values between 1 and 9 in the row/column.
  3. Each circle represents a watchtower of height X, where X is the digit placed in that circle. Each watchtower must see exactly X cells (including itself) in its row and column combined. Watchtowers cannot see digits larger than their own height, nor past them. (e.g. A watchtower of height 5 would see a 3 behind a 4, but not behind a 6).
  4. Not all watchtowers are given, but cells with squares must not be watchtowers and they must therefore see more or less than X cells.

Links to the puzzle:

The puzzle is also available online via F-Puzzles and CTC-App. Have fun solving!

See the example puzzle below:

Solution code: Row 1 + Row 2, read from left to right, without spaces (18 digits)

Last changed on on 8. March 2022, 10:25

Solved by bigger, Haba, marcmees, Bootenks, Bankey, Vebby, Richard, Lizzy01, r45, PrimeWeasel, Statistica, Niverio, Playmaker6174, polar, cdwg2000, KlausRG, misko, peacherwu2, sandmoppe, rich_27
Full list


on 1. August 2022, 10:31 by Lizzy01
You might be interested in this puzzle I set using watchtowers:

on 24. July 2022, 23:03 by Playmaker6174
A tough nut to crack, lots of tricky stuff to spot but all were resolved in such an elegant and beautiful way, very fun puzzle :)

on 23. July 2022, 15:03 by Niverio
Lovely, lovely, lovely.

on 22. July 2022, 11:32 by PrimeWeasel
Absolutely worth spending a lot of time on. A very nice construction.

on 17. July 2022, 07:43 by Richard
Very nice puzzle with a very nice new constraint! This puzzle deserves more solves! Fellow players: give it a go!

on 20. March 2022, 20:35 by Bankey
Very nice puzzle. Thanks, @ Angelo :)

Last changed on 9. March 2022, 20:55

on 9. March 2022, 20:55 by Bootenks
Exceptional puzzle. I love the rule set and the required deductions.

on 9. March 2022, 17:19 by marcmees
very hard but rewarding solve. thanks.

on 9. March 2022, 11:31 by Haba
I liked the puzzle a lot. But it took quite some time to get used to the rules. Nice variant, though!

on 8. March 2022, 10:25 by Angelo
Added example image

on 8. March 2022, 10:16 by Angelo
Hi Bigger, it counts itself only once. I will add an example picture

on 8. March 2022, 03:15 by bigger
can you please use an example picture? there's a lot ambiguity in the rules. for instance, the watchtower must see x cells including itself, so how many times should it count itself? should it be always 4 times as in 4 direction or only 1 time or 2 to 4 times?

Rating:97 %
Solved:20 times
Observed:6 times

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