Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

XV Fillomino

(Eingestellt am 29. Januar 2022, 16:17 Uhr von au voleur!)

XV Fillomino

Rules: Standard Fillomino rules apply. Also, the numbers on both sides of an X add up to 10. The numbers on both sides of a V add up to 5. All Xs and Vs are given.

Solve on Penpa

Lösungscode: Column 2 and Row 6 (all in one string)

Gelöst von Jesper, bernhard, marcmees, Beanie, jkl, misko, Mark Sweep, moeve, Phistomefel, Statistica, MagnusJosefsson, GTLSE, polar, ChristJan, apiad, Zzzyxas, Greg, Nordy, jessica6, starelev5, DillyK, kmoter, ... lupo, indolentfool, guihori, kjholt, Agent, Al Fresco, smartmagpie, lerroyy, ONeill, h5663454, Frutlop, GabeSzeto, jkuo7, Alfred, cornuto, sth, GoogleEnPassant, xkbz0809, Calesch, dogfarts, asii
Komplette Liste


am 22. Oktober 2022, 23:22 Uhr von Agent
Very fun! It took me a while to get going but it flows very nicely once you understand the power of the negative restriction.

am 20. Juli 2022, 14:29 Uhr von CHalb
Great puzzle and once again I'm glad I started one of your puzzles. I was sceptical because I do not like XV in general and I needed several looks on it to get started. But then I really enjoyed following this beautiful solving path.

am 11. April 2022, 22:00 Uhr von SudokuExplorer
Very enjoyable solve path, thanks! :-)

am 27. März 2022, 23:42 Uhr von Crusader175
Very beautiful puzzle!

am 1. März 2022, 02:43 Uhr von Nordy
This puzzle is sublime! Every step is the perfect mixture of challenge and beauty. Tons of fresh logic, too. Thanks!

am 10. Februar 2022, 21:52 Uhr von MagnusJosefsson
Great puzzle! I love to see new Fillomino variants, and this really had some new enjoyable logic.

am 1. Februar 2022, 09:40 Uhr von Phistomefel
Before I started this puzzle, I somehow thought that the negative XV constraint was surely not as powerful as in Sudoku. Little did I know... :)
Thank you for setting this lovely puzzle, au voleur!

am 30. Januar 2022, 22:54 Uhr von Mark Sweep
Fun puzzle! Also good to see a new Fillomino constructor on this portal.

am 29. Januar 2022, 23:49 Uhr von au voleur!
Thanks everyone!

am 29. Januar 2022, 23:38 Uhr von marcmees
Enjoyed this fillomino variant. Thanks.

am 29. Januar 2022, 19:39 Uhr von bernhard
That was fun! Interesting interaction between the clues and the negative constraint. Thanks

am 29. Januar 2022, 16:50 Uhr von Jesper
A very good implementation of this combination. Well done!

Bewertung:97 %
Gelöst:62 mal
Beobachtet:5 mal

Rätselkombination Rätselvariante Online-Solving-Tool Zerlegungsrätsel Polyominos

Lösung abgeben

