Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Roundabout Roadworks

(Eingestellt am 28. Januar 2022, 03:25 Uhr von LittleMLO)

In a far away land where the edge of the roads are painted green and purple, we find ourselves at a roundabout (Yes, I'm aware some of you may simply call it a circle, but today is not the day to debate that!) which has 2 of its 4 exits closed due to roadworks! Local traffic controllers have therefore utilised arrows as a detour to allow traffic to get to their intended destination with minimal delay... but we all know roadworks always cause nasty traffic!


- Normal sudoku rules apply.

- Cells with a grey circle must contain an odd number.

- In cages, digits must sum to the small clue in the top corner of the cage.

- Digits along an arrow must sum to the digit in the arrow's circle.

- Digits along a (Purple) Renban Line must contain a string of consecutive digits, which can be entered in any order along the line.

- Digits along a (Green) German Whisper Line must have a difference of at least 5, and digits can repeat if on the line if allowed by other rules.

- Cells separated by a white dot are consecutive digits.

- Cells separated by an X must sum to 10.

- Not all dots and X's are given.

Give this puzzle a go here! Good luck!

Lösungscode: Write the digits as they appear on the Whispers Line starting from R1C3, and then the digits as they appear on the Renban Line starting from R1C4. No spaces or symbols.

Zuletzt geändert am 28. Januar 2022, 07:29 Uhr

Gelöst von SKORP17, cfop, Statistica, apendleton, LehanLehan, jalebc
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Gelöst:6 mal
Beobachtet:9 mal

Variantenkombination Online-Solving-Tool

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