Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

DSM Qualitraining 2022: Treppen-Sudoku

(Published on 28. January 2022, 01:32 by Phistomefel)

Rules: Fill the grid with digits from 1 to 6 so that in each row, column and 2x3 block each digit occurs exactly once. Digits on a grey stripe must increase in one direction, and by equal-sized steps.

The puzzle is available online via F-Puzzles. Have fun solving!

Solution code: 4th and 6th row

Last changed on on 28. January 2022, 04:48

Solved by Steven R, krzysztof.kiemel, Piatato, djorr, glum_hippo, cdwg2000, Greg, FullDeck-Missing, saskia-daniela, Konzert, Krokant, Kafkapharnaum, Cane_Puzzles, Dandelo, alecjw, Vebby, kittyphon, Statistica, ... jseng, seh_bas, nicuber, Dez256, Polytechnisch, koiking, Jdt112, Melson, cygne, meowmeow49, KNT, greebug, jqhc, NEWS, Montikulum, The Bard, Nayrolf, EMCaoloft, MorsBe, ayman707, pin7guin, MaciekZ
Full list


on 6. June 2022, 11:28 by 99jau99
once I found the first pass, the puzzle flowed.
Thanks to the creator!

on 28. May 2022, 15:44 by Sujay
yippee!!! My first phistomefel solve

Last changed on 31. January 2022, 14:54

on 31. January 2022, 13:50 by glum_hippo
Der Rätseltyp heisst anderswo 'Sequence Sudoku' und hier sind weitere (von Realshaggy) zusammengetrommelte Exemplare

Here are some more examples of Treppen-Sudoku, which is elsewhere known as 'Sequence Sudoku'. Thanks to Realshaggy for compiling these.

Blog von Rajesh Kumar: https://www.funwithpuzzles.com/2018/03/sequence-sudoku-puzzle.html
Blog von Rohan Rao: https://rohanrao.blogspot.com/2009/08/rules-of-sequence-sudoku.html
Ein Rätsel vermutlich von Jan Novotny: https://www.janko.at/Raetsel/Sudoku-Varianten/082.a.htm
Sudoku-GP 2018, Runde 6 (Autor war Matus Demiger): https://gp.worldpuzzle.org/content/wpf-sudoku-gp6-3

on 29. January 2022, 21:24 by DomL
I can finally say I have solved a Phistomefel puzzle. Granted it is a 1-star difficulty, but it counts.

on 29. January 2022, 09:36 by Klausku
Ich hätte nicht gedacht, dass ich mal ein Phistomefel-Puzzle unter 20 Minuten schaffe. Wahrscheinlich ist das nur das Beispiel-Rätsel für das Monster das noch nachkommt ;) Danke für den netten Zeitvertreib

on 29. January 2022, 05:24 by Sapio
My first independently solved Phistomefel puzzle, and yet it didn't lack the beautiful logic I've come to expect. Thank you so much for the wonderful puzzle!

on 28. January 2022, 22:56 by TheCaretaker
My very first Phistomefel solve! Thank you for a wonderful little puzzle.

on 28. January 2022, 17:11 by MatthewDonovan
Thanks! Nice to have an easier Phistomefel puzzle for a change :)

Last changed on 28. January 2022, 09:23

on 28. January 2022, 09:23 by Raumplaner
Endlich mal ein Rätsel von Dir, das ich lösen kann... Danke dafür;)

on 28. January 2022, 04:57 by djorr
@Phistomefel, no worries! I appreciate the sentiment nonetheless :)

on 28. January 2022, 04:51 by Phistomefel
@cdwg2000: Yes. I deleted the now irrelevant beginning.

@djorr: I am sorry, but I deleted the reference to your Arithmetic Thermos, since the variant is much older anyway. :/

on 28. January 2022, 04:16 by cdwg2000
This is Sequence Sudoku, not new variants.

on 28. January 2022, 04:01 by Phistomefel
Corrected rules. Thank you to djorr for the hint!

Last changed on 28. January 2022, 03:53

on 28. January 2022, 03:53 by djorr
Beautiful bite-sized snack :) surely the rules should be 6x6 rules? Thank you so much for adding my link! It's much appreciated!

on 28. January 2022, 03:35 by Phistomefel
Thank you so much, Joo M.Y! I wasn't aware of this.

Last changed on 28. January 2022, 03:17

on 28. January 2022, 03:11 by Joo M.Y
Another name for this puzzle is 'Sequence Sudoku'. Sequence has already appeared on WSC 2017, 2018.

Rating:89 %
Solved:340 times
Observed:12 times

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