Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

The Final Shot: Four Corners 4 (Renban Arrow X)

(Eingestellt am 7. Januar 2022, 04:45 Uhr von tallcat)

I had originally intended to leave my Four Corners puzzles as a trilogy - but it was pointed out by many that a Four Corners series should really have, well, four puzzles. Proudly presenting my fourth and final Four Corners, with thanks to Playmaker6174 for the title suggestion! After trending a little easier, I think this is a little step up in difficulty for a finale! Happy solving!

Normal Sudoku rules apply

Arrow Sudoku: Digits on arrows must sum to the digit in the circle.

Renban: Purple lines must contain a set of consecutive, non-repeating digits in any order.

Sudoku X - Digits 1-9 must appear on each diagonal once only.

Can be found at f-puzzles or CTC

Lösungscode: Row 7 (left to right) followed by column 4 (top to bottom). 18 digits, no spaces.

Gelöst von twototenth, zetamath, thetiredsaint, Playmaker6174, Nicholas Roberts, DVFrank, SKORP17, Semikolon, antiknight, Glitch29, PippoForte, universe42, Caterinas80, tinounou, S4K, Nunya, polar, cdwg2000, ... dlindberg3, Vebby, OGRussHood, Bjd, Agent, dogfarts, Just me, Gotroch, HalfMoony, Megalobrainiac, Niverio, Azumagao, valle1124, karlmortenlunna, karen_birgitta, Bobbobert, Bellsita, Snow the Jam Man
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am 7. Januar 2022, 06:21 Uhr von Playmaker6174
I was glad that I could give you a nice title for the final entry of the series :)
Lovely and splendid interactions, quite tricky deductions at the opening but very rewarding, a great way to conclude the series!

am 7. Januar 2022, 04:49 Uhr von twototenth
Lovely as usual! A fitting final entry in a great series.

Bewertung:95 %
Gelöst:40 mal
Beobachtet:7 mal

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