Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Japanese Sums with Arrows

(Eingestellt am 31. Dezember 2021, 22:24 Uhr von mathpesto)

I had a lot of fun constructing a Japanese Sums puzzle recently and I wanted to challenge myself to see if I could create one without any given numbers inside or outside the grid. So here it is; hope you enjoy! If you're feeling stuck, check out my walkthrough of the solution below. Comments and ratings are much appreciated, and please be sure to check out my other puzzles here.


Within the main 9x9 grid, normal sudoku rules apply.

Arrows: Numbers along an arrow must sum to the number in the circle.

Japanese Sums: Shade cells within the main 9x9 grid so that the clues outside the grid equal the sums of the digits in contiguous blocks of shaded cells in that row/column. Blocks must be separated by at least one unshaded cell.

(Note: The number of clues for a particular row/column is exactly the number of white cells outside the grid for that row/column. (For example, column 7 has three white cells outside of the grid, so there are exactly three clues for column 7.)
(Also note: Numbers outside the main 9x9 grid don’t have to adhere to normal sudoku rules: they can be greater than 9 (including inside of an arrow’s circle), numbers can repeat in the row/column, etc.

Solve on F-Puzzles

Solve on Cracking the Cryptic

Solve on Penpa+ (thanks Vebby!)

SPOILER ALERT Walkthrough of Solution

SPOILER ALERT Video of Mark Goodliffe's (CtC) Solve


Lösungscode: Enter rows 8 and 9

Zuletzt geändert am 24. Dezember 2022, 13:52 Uhr

Gelöst von bigger, marcmees, MissMaraJoy, StefanSch, cfop, SSG, Crusader175, juventino188, geronimo92, starelev5, Statistica, Christounet, Mody, Krokant, Uhu, snr0n, misko, ManuH, AnnaTh, cornuto, Bellsita, Xendari, Vebby, dennischen, Mikemerin, KevinTheMH, Bankey, zhall12570, StephenR, Counterfeitly, laky, tess, Astr0creep, susadoraku, SudokuHero
Komplette Liste


am 23. Mai 2023, 08:54 Uhr von Bankey
Messed up the first time, and returned after a while. Success:) Needs full focus but a Japanese sum variant is always great fun. Thanks, @ mathpesto :)

am 14. März 2023, 16:57 Uhr von dennischen
Lots of fun, thanks for this JS puzzle!

am 24. Dezember 2022, 13:52 Uhr von mathpesto
Added penpa+ link

am 20. Juli 2022, 11:56 Uhr von AnnaTh
Had to restart several times. But it was worth it. Thanks for this awesome Puzzle.

am 27. Mai 2022, 10:25 Uhr von Krokant
Not fiendishly difficult, but reeeeally nice. And japanese sums are always great. Terrific puzzle. :)

am 11. April 2022, 17:53 Uhr von Mody
Schwer, aber schön

am 24. Januar 2022, 14:19 Uhr von mathpesto
Added link to CtC video

Zuletzt geändert am 17. Januar 2022, 19:59 Uhr

am 16. Januar 2022, 17:52 Uhr von StefanSch
The F-puzzle-versions allows no sums greater than 13. But you will need them to solve the puzzle.


@StefanSch I haven't found a way to allow that on F-Puzzles when in "solving" mode. My workaround is (just for numbers in the margins that are double-digit) switch to "setting" mode, then Cosmetic Tools --> Text.

am 14. Januar 2022, 09:00 Uhr von sandmoppe
@mathpesto: Thanks! Now I'm looking forward to solve your puzzle. I like Japanese Sums and your puzzle seems to be interesting.

Zuletzt geändert am 13. Januar 2022, 15:26 Uhr

am 13. Januar 2022, 14:23 Uhr von sandmoppe
@mathpesto: Is there a possibility to change the black cells to a printerfriendly grey for people like me, who don't like to solve puzzles online?


@sandmappe Here's a version with gray cells: https://f-puzzles.com/?id=ybrkf86f

am 2. Januar 2022, 19:11 Uhr von mathpesto
Added walkthrough of solution

Bewertung:94 %
Gelöst:35 mal
Beobachtet:8 mal

Variantenkombination Neu Online-Solving-Tool

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