Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Eingestellt am 16. Dezember 2021, 20:21 Uhr von PrimeWeasel)

Normal Sudoku rules apply

German whispers rules apply. Adjacent digits on a green line have a difference of at least 5.

For every digit X in in a cell in box Y, there is a digit Y in the same position in box X.


Lösungscode: Column 1, row 8

Gelöst von titus2323, Expansus, PippoForte, butch02, mackant1, zeecomoon, Julianl, ___, henrypijames, grkles, marcmees, baku, Sktx, filuta, PotatoAffair, Niverio, tallcat, LeLoyJenkins, Qodec, Jesper, Crul, SKORP17, Andrewsarchus, Pibonacci, Crusader175, karen_birgitta, Piatato, bigger, Vebby, ManuH, LadyShapeShifter, glum_hippo, Jdt112
Komplette Liste


am 25. Dezember 2021, 10:21 Uhr von Crusader175
Beautiful puzzle!

am 23. Dezember 2021, 04:37 Uhr von Andrewsarchus
Great Puzzle!
The ruleset makes for a really fun solve!

am 19. Dezember 2021, 13:52 Uhr von filuta
Cool ruleset, I found in very intuitive compared to other referential ones. Thanks.

am 19. Dezember 2021, 12:18 Uhr von Sktx
Brilliant construction and a challenging but overall smooth solve path. This ruleset is pretty amazing, great job PrimeWeasel and thanks a lot for the puzzle !

Zuletzt geändert am 18. Dezember 2021, 16:23 Uhr

am 18. Dezember 2021, 15:19 Uhr von baku
What an awesome ideia for a sudoku! I was suspicious of my solution until the end, always checking the X-Y rule to see if I was not making a mistake. Congratulations and thank you so very much for sharing this gem.

~I really appreciate your comment! It took me quite some time to get this puzzle to what it has become, thanks for solving, and enjoying it!

Zuletzt geändert am 18. Dezember 2021, 16:22 Uhr

am 18. Dezember 2021, 14:22 Uhr von henrypijames
A nice little miracle, 'tis the season. ;)

~Thanks for solving Henry. I hope you'll have some lovely holidays!

Zuletzt geändert am 17. Dezember 2021, 10:06 Uhr

am 17. Dezember 2021, 05:33 Uhr von mackant1
I would never have imagined it would be possible to have such a rule set. But it was very fun to struggle through and solve. Thanks for this nice puzzle!

~You're welcome, thanks for solving! I stumbled upon the possibility of such a grid in my prior puzzle (Cheeky DeBugger) and I'm now exploring how minimal it can be made with the addition of one extra rule.

Zuletzt geändert am 17. Dezember 2021, 09:36 Uhr

am 16. Dezember 2021, 21:30 Uhr von titus2323
I absolutely loved this one! Thankfully, I recently watched a CTC with renbans, and it gave me the inspiration I needed to identify the break in and use the rest of the constraints to get a solve in 35:56. Very nice puzzle!

~Thanks Titus! You managed to solve it pretty quickly, glad you enjoyed it!

Bewertung:93 %
Gelöst:33 mal
Beobachtet:15 mal


Lösung abgeben

