Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Irregular 5x5 quadruples sudoku / creek doppelgänger

(Eingestellt am 26. November 2021, 16:01 Uhr von Aspartagcus)

Another doppelgänger. :)
This puzzle can be solved either as a creek puzzle, or an irregular quadruples sudoku.

Irregular quadruples sudoku rules:
- Standard irregular 5x5 sudoku rules apply, using the digits 0-4.
- The digit in a circle has to appear at least once in the cells it touches.

Creek rules:
Shade some cells such that the number in a circle equals the amount of shaded cells it touches, and all the unshaded cells form a single orthogonally connected region. (The borders for the sudoku regions can be ignored.)

Link to creek puzzle
Rules and example on puzz.link

Both puzzles (Penpa+)
Answer check on shading (creek) or digits (sudoku).


Lösungscode: The digits in the sudoku in the shaded cells in the creek puzzle, from top left to bottom right.

Zuletzt geändert -

Gelöst von kolot, panthchesh, CHalb, samuella, Banana, RockyRoer, zeecomoon, Vebby, gbrljt, Greg, Dandelo, Dina, Titonious, jkl, Steven R, zer0keefie, Grothenlace, saskia-daniela, marcmees, geronimo92, ... Rollo, SudokuExplorer, rimodech, Cane_Puzzles, jakelevy1, silver585987, JTDUNX, glum_hippo, ManuH, Uhu, skywalker, zorant, effervescentblizzard, Jordan Timm, zrbakhtiar, BenceJoful, JoshJC97
Komplette Liste


am 24. Februar 2023, 20:03 Uhr von BenceJoful
Fun little bites, thanks!

am 26. November 2021, 20:50 Uhr von gbrljt
Thank you for setting! Love the logical deductions in both the creek and the sudoku.

am 26. November 2021, 16:30 Uhr von panthchesh
That was fun!

Bewertung:88 %
Gelöst:46 mal
Beobachtet:8 mal

Rätselkombination Online-Solving-Tool Färberätsel

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