Es gelten die normalen Sudoku-Regeln. Ziffern entlang der Palindromlinie müssen vorwärts und rückwärts gleich lauten. Ziffern entlang eines Pfeils müssen sich zu der Ziffer im großen Kreis an seinem Ende summieren. Benachbarte Ziffern, die mit einem weißen Kropki-Punkt gekennzeichnet sind, sind fortlaufend. Nicht alle Punkte sind angegeben. Kommentare sind wie immer willkommen!
Lösungscode: Erste Rätselreihe und vierte Rätselspalte (von oben nach unten lesen). Geben Sie eine 18-stellige Zeichenfolge ohne Leerzeichen ein.
am 31. August 2023, 22:48 Uhr von silent_rob
Thanks for the fun puzzle!
am 10. Januar 2023, 04:15 Uhr von RussKozerski
Always enjoy PDN's puzzles, and this was certainly no exception. The ONLY thing that would make it better is if there was a link to CTC's Sudokupad. For me, personally, it's much more enjoyable to use Sudokupad. No affiliations. Just my preference. Still, very enjoyable. Thank you, PDN.
** Thanks for the feedback. I only found out how to share both links later in my career... :-( There is a little web applet which converts from f-puz to SudoPad. Try the CTC Discord for more.
am 26. Januar 2022, 09:54 Uhr von Squiz
Another great puzzle PDN, loving your work!!
** Aw, Squiz, your comments bring a smile to my face. Thank you! :-)
am 14. Januar 2022, 19:50 Uhr von Hozenrider
I think this was the best one of yours yet. The interpaly between the palindrome nad the different squares was superb
** Your comments warm my heart! :-)
am 14. Dezember 2021, 19:42 Uhr von ERClawson
I really liked the interaction between the different arrows through the palindrome line. Awesome Puzzle!
** Thanks so much for the feedback and solve!
am 2. Dezember 2021, 01:00 Uhr von Moses*
Meine Erkenntnis des Tages ist, dass es bei zu vielen Pencilmarks leicht unübersichtlich werden kann. xD
Besten Dank an PDN
** Das ist sehr wahr!
am 28. November 2021, 01:02 Uhr von Vorox3
Elegant and simple puzzle!
** Thanks for the kind words. :-)
am 22. November 2021, 04:06 Uhr von PDN777
Thanks to the three of you for the feedback. After several comments I too think it should be 2 stars. But the rating is set by the solvers so, well, there it is. :) In any event I hope it was worth the effort!
am 21. November 2021, 19:12 Uhr von Arkhchance
I found it hard for 1 star, but the logic is really nice, It was fun.
Thank you
am 20. November 2021, 23:08 Uhr von elpadrinoIV
Nice interactions between palindrome and arrows.
I think difficulty is far from 1 star, between 2 and 3.
am 20. November 2021, 15:32 Uhr von JR_pianoman
I like how the palindrome affected the arrow sum options. Fun.