Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Eingestellt am 22. November 2021, 06:54 Uhr von FryTheGuy)

This puzzle uses the parity sums constraint introduced in Dying Flutchman's puzzle Parity Sums.

The puzzle requires a lot of unique and interesting logic, I hope you enjoy it!


Normal sudoku and little killer rules apply.

In the finished grid, every cell will be part of a group of orthogonally connected cells that share the same parity (i.e. an odd or even group). Such a parity group can be as small as a single cell, or large enough to span multiple boxes and include repeating digits.

Corner clues give the sum of all cells in the parity group containing that cell.

Solve the puzzle at f-puzzles

Lösungscode: Row 1 and Row 2

Gelöst von Piatato, Siebuhh, Jesper, polar, Vebby, Ood, AvavaAvA, chiqiangluoli, Bobbobert
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am 27. November 2021, 22:55 Uhr von uvo_mod
Labels ergänzt.

am 24. November 2021, 04:23 Uhr von FryTheGuy

Thanks for letting me know about parity sections, now I have two puzzles I need to go solve :)


I am glad you had fun with it! I had a lot less control over the solve path than I usually do because of the concept I was going for.

am 23. November 2021, 21:12 Uhr von polar
This felt like payback for me saying your last puzzle was more busy than usual XD Very interesting puzzle, although I was never quite sure if each deduction was correct until I put the solution code in! Thank you!

am 23. November 2021, 15:55 Uhr von Jesper
Thanks, great puzzle! FYI, the concept with orthogonally connected regions of the same parity with given sums is older, though. I think it was introduced in the portal by Stéphane Bura. If you type "Parity Sections" in the advanced search, you can find more puzzles of this type.

am 22. November 2021, 10:41 Uhr von Piatato
It’s almost unbelievable that this puzzle has a unique solution! The puzzle hit all my weak points as a solver, so it was a big struggle, but I got there in the end! :-D

Gelöst:9 mal
Beobachtet:8 mal

Variantenkombination Online-Solving-Tool

Lösung abgeben

