Here is a sandwich sudoku where the sandwich clues are inside the grid. I hope you enjoy it. Your comments and ratings are highly appreciated as usual!
RULES: Normal sudoku rules apply. Numbers in the circles and pills (read left to right or top to bottom) are sandwich clues, i.e. they show the sum of the digits between the 1 and the 9 in their row or column. Horizontal pills represent row clues, vertical pills represent column clues, and each circle represents either a row or a column clue to be determined by the solver.
Lösungscode: Row 4 followed by column 8.
am 23. November 2024, 16:09 Uhr von glum_hippo
Wonderful! A real treat and a stylish entry in the digitless universe.
am 7. April 2022, 12:33 Uhr von Christounet
Your last puzzle (X-Sums and Sandwiches) provided me so much fun that I decided to go through your older puzzles. This one is rather easy and yet very enjoyable ! You have a way of making very interesting puzzles with very simple rules, well done and thanks !
Thank you so much for your kind words and for solving my puzzles! I hope you enjoy them all.
am 2. April 2022, 14:09 Uhr von PrimeWeasel
Lovely little flow!
am 8. November 2021, 19:58 Uhr von SudokuExplorer
Lovely puzzle with a smooth path, thanks! :-)
am 3. November 2021, 12:56 Uhr von cmb
I second Mark, nice one.
Thank you!
am 3. November 2021, 10:56 Uhr von RockyRoer
Ooh... this looks fun :-)
It is not as nice as your puzzle, but I think you will like it. Your puzzle was great! :-)
Got it! Thanks for the puzzle!
am 3. November 2021, 10:35 Uhr von Mark Sweep
Very nice and smooth puzzle. RockyRoer actually made a sudoku with exactly the same ruleset before (ID=0005TA) and it almost feels like this one serves as an introductory puzzle for RockyRoer's puzzle.
Thank you so much! I have forgotten RockyRoer’s puzzle. Now when I looked at it I remembered watching Simon solving it. It was a great puzzle. This one is much easier than RockyRoer’s puzzle as you said.