Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Eingestellt am 1. November 2021, 11:22 Uhr von scor)

Hi all! Here's a puzzle of a new tree-based genre I have developed. Enjoy!


Create non-intersecting non-looping trees such that the trees fill all cells. Trees must sprout from seeds (given triangles) in the direction they point. Tree branches must not pass through black edges. Leaves (tree branch endpoints) from the same tree must not share a row or column. If given, a number on a seed must equal the number of leaves on the final tree.

Additional clarifications:

Trees may branch and travel in any direction. Different trees must not intersect or share cells. Leaves from different trees may share the same row/column. The seed of a tree is not a leaf, despite it being an endpoint.

Example puzzle:

Puzzle link: https://git.io/JPK2m

Lösungscode: The number of leaf cells per row of the grid.

Zuletzt geändert am 1. November 2021, 11:31 Uhr

Gelöst von barer, CJK, Aspartagcus, Dina, Mark Sweep, SudokuExplorer, Jesper, Nusi, r45, BenceJoful, Dandelo, qiuyanzhe, polmanpoppins, Raistlen, moss, Phistomefel, Steven R, misko, moeve, Xenonetix, Mjb99, ... starelev5, CHalb, Lara Croft, Realshaggy, Maxst0f, karzym, apiad, Vebby, tychonov, seppel28, h5663454, Toastbrot, Just me, samjna0049, Alfred, Torvelo, lukeyy, neoire, Hydalin, Ppaatt, puzzler05
Komplette Liste


am 20. Juni 2022, 20:14 Uhr von Vebby
Great concept and enjoyable to solve. Thanks scor! :)

am 31. Januar 2022, 09:38 Uhr von CHalb
Fascinating and wonderfully elegant new puzzle type! My respect to scor for this great idea. I'd really like to see more such puzzles from any authors including myself ;-) .

am 17. November 2021, 17:41 Uhr von SudokuExplorer
@Luigi: The seed is a "leaf" in the graph theoretical sense. So a clue of N means that there are N+1 leaves in the graph theoretical sense.

Each tree sprouts from the seed, so the adjacent cell pointed by the triangle is part of the tree. In the example the tree has 6 leaves and 1 seed so there are 7 endpoints.

am 3. November 2021, 01:05 Uhr von scor
@Phistomefel No, the tree must exit the seed cell before branching :)

am 2. November 2021, 23:20 Uhr von Phistomefel
Small rule question: Can a tree already branch in the seed, i.e. can it grow into the direction in which the seed points and in the meantime in a different direction?

am 2. November 2021, 07:39 Uhr von BenceJoful

am 1. November 2021, 20:37 Uhr von Jesper
Fun original concept and well set.

am 1. November 2021, 18:26 Uhr von SudokuExplorer
Great concept with interesting and fun logic, thanks! :-)

am 1. November 2021, 16:44 Uhr von Dina
Very nice idea and really fun to solve! :-D

am 1. November 2021, 14:52 Uhr von Aspartagcus
I enjoyed this puzzle a lot. :) New puzzle types intrigue me, and I felt like you managed to make use of a lot of different aspects of the ruleset in this puzzle. Well done!

am 1. November 2021, 12:44 Uhr von barer
Very nice idea for a puzzle

am 1. November 2021, 11:31 Uhr von scor
Oops! Had the wrong puzzle link, now fixed.

Bewertung:98 %
Gelöst:52 mal
Beobachtet:6 mal


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