Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Killer Sudoku #2 — 'ZooZ'

(Eingestellt am 31. Oktober 2021, 13:55 Uhr von PixelPlucker)

This puzzle is a standard Killer Sudoku I made for my friend Joseph Nehme, also known as 'ZooZ', hence the thematic cages in the middle of the grid. I hope you find the solve enjoyable!
Standard killer sudoku rules apply:
  • Place each digit from 1-9 exactly once in every row, column and 3x3 block.
  • The digits in each outlined cage must sum to the total in its upper-left corner.
  • Digits may not repeat in a cage, even if its total has not been provided.

You can try this puzzle online using f-puzzles or Penpa+. Enjoy!

Lösungscode: Row 1, column 3 (18 digits in total)

Zuletzt geändert am 16. Februar 2024, 08:10 Uhr

Gelöst von Joseph nehme, Playmaker6174, SKORP17, BellBear, abed hawila, Ood, OhHeyGuysItsMax, skywalker, glum_hippo, Quarterthru, Jesper, gigglingCaduceus, cdwg2000, tenaliraman, TotallyNormalCat, Mad-Tyas, ... Realshaggy, tinounou, Tilberg, chuffinora, Mody, ___, parkinson, Dentones, Qodec, zorant, mandourin, StefanSch, Crul, karzym, Vebby, Mark Sweep, Statistica, ManuH, Uhu, mezkur7, apwelho, SXH, jalebc
Komplette Liste


am 6. Juni 2024, 09:23 Uhr von mezkur7
Sudokupad: https://sudokupad.app/z81s5epr57

Zuletzt geändert am 2. November 2021, 17:04 Uhr

am 2. November 2021, 17:02 Uhr von PixelPlucker
Thanks for all the nice comments, everyone! :)

am 1. November 2021, 14:00 Uhr von Realshaggy
Ooph! I feel like an old man who just can't keep up with the rising difficulty level. Once I was good in solving Killers :-)

am 1. November 2021, 09:27 Uhr von Piatato
Really lovely killer with so many great interactions! Thank you, PixelPlucker!

am 1. November 2021, 02:32 Uhr von TotallyNormalCat
I agree with hippo ^^

am 1. November 2021, 01:29 Uhr von tenaliraman
Lovely tribute :-)

am 31. Oktober 2021, 20:14 Uhr von glum_hippo
I hope to see many more puzzles from this constructor!

am 31. Oktober 2021, 17:37 Uhr von abed hawila
Challenging but rewarding! Excellent killer loved it! Thank you PixelPlucker :)

am 31. Oktober 2021, 16:59 Uhr von BellBear
Nice and challenging.

am 31. Oktober 2021, 15:20 Uhr von Playmaker6174
Beautiful interactions throughout the solve (especially the first half), a lovely tribute to a great setter :)

am 31. Oktober 2021, 14:12 Uhr von Joseph nehme
Thank you for this amazing puzzle. I loved it. Lovely logic :)

Bewertung:91 %
Gelöst:41 mal
Beobachtet:9 mal

Rätselvariante Online-Solving-Tool

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