Lösungscode: column 5 and row 5 (without a comma or a space)
am 12. Juni 2024, 00:20 Uhr von Styku
This is my favourite arROw SudOkU of yours. I hope more people will pick it up and solve. Great puzzle!
am 3. August 2022, 04:12 Uhr von Samish
Yet another piece of cleverness ! Really enjoyed the little deductions that lead to the puzzle beautifully unfolding.
And I'm making my way towards the daunting original arROw SudOkU...
thanks a lot, good luck with the remaining ones!
am 31. Oktober 2021, 22:54 Uhr von uvo_mod
Labels ergänzt.
am 27. Oktober 2021, 07:11 Uhr von filuta
changed difficulty
am 27. Oktober 2021, 05:29 Uhr von Jeet Sampat
Loved the tiny deductions at the start that lead to the first digit, and then the puzzle unfolded nicely. Not too hard, but very satisfying to solve. :D
Thanks a lot, happy you enjoyed it.
am 27. Oktober 2021, 01:02 Uhr von Piatato
Lovely puzzle! I hope more people soon discover this delightful series of arROw SudOkUs! :-D
Thank you for such a kind comment (and the solve too). Happy you liked it as well as the whole series.