Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Eingestellt am 15. Oktober 2021, 01:49 Uhr von grkles)

I know this one is absolutely brutal, but I promise the solve path is both logical and fair.

Normal sudoku rules apply within the 9x9 grid.

Little Killer Sums: The indicated diagonals must sum to the total shown outside the grid (some of which must be deduced by the solver). These digits may repeat if allowed by the other constraints.

Two-digit Thermometers: The thermometers in the grid contain two-digit numbers, which must strictly increase from the bulb to the tip of the thermometer. Inside the grid, these two-digit numbers are comprised of two cells (with one digit per cell), read in order of increasing distance from the bulb.

Solve online with penpa+!

Lösungscode: Column 8, followed by row 6 (18 digits, no spaces).

Gelöst von Nityant5, PulverizingPancake, Playmaker6174, polar, Niverio, KNT, Knitabit, Andrewsarchus, Piatato, the_cogito, DamnedLight, hurrdurr, Jigokuro, Aaronomys, Vebby, cha, cdwg2000, Mark Sweep, Krokant, blazedy, flyjim, Jaych, Sewerin, h5663454
Komplette Liste


am 11. Juni 2024, 19:35 Uhr von Sewerin
CTC link: https://sudokupad.app/5mt5bo3hp0

am 19. März 2022, 00:16 Uhr von Krokant
That was definitely not a superfast jellyfish, but a very enjoyable one. Very hard, too. Great puzzle.

am 25. November 2021, 05:24 Uhr von Vebby
Superb puzzle! Figuring out the thermos was a joy. Thanks grkles! :)

am 14. November 2021, 19:23 Uhr von Aaronomys
I haven't sweated that much since the first Fourteen puzzle by FTG. That was insanely monstrous but also really beautiful. Good work @grkles!

am 14. November 2021, 19:18 Uhr von Aaronomys
I haven't sweated that much since the first Fourteen puzzle by FTG. That was insanely monstrous but also really beautiful. Good work @grkles!

am 2. November 2021, 23:17 Uhr von Jigokuro
Crazy puzzle! Really impressed that you even came up with the idea of a thermo turning into a little killer clue. But then there's a lot more good stuff in the logic beyond that idea, too.
Rules could be a little clearer about how the LK is a double digit number following from the thermo's last value (and can end in 0, which the rest of the thermo can't.)

am 19. Oktober 2021, 04:07 Uhr von the_cogito
A precise puzzle, but the solve path isn't scattered or hard to track, just... precise :) Nice puzzle!

am 18. Oktober 2021, 22:51 Uhr von Piatato
It looks terrifying, but it is actually a pleasure to solve! :-D

am 15. Oktober 2021, 16:18 Uhr von Niverio
Absolutely spectacular. Definitely a great example of perfect balance between fairness and difficulty.

am 15. Oktober 2021, 15:26 Uhr von polar
I have no idea how you even begin to construct something like this, but I very much enjoyed solving it! Thank you :)

Also I absolutely agree that there is a logical path and it doesn't require any tricks to solve.

am 15. Oktober 2021, 12:22 Uhr von Playmaker6174
That was a really challenging puzzle, it felt like the path was pretty tight and I had to be precise at certain points to slowly make some progress, but I definitely enjoyed the solve :)

Bewertung:98 %
Gelöst:24 mal
Beobachtet:8 mal

Variantenkombination Online-Solving-Tool

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