arROw SudOkU - tHe cYCle
(Eingestellt am 16. Oktober 2021, 21:22 Uhr von filuta)
The series:
This is the third installment of what is now apparently becoming a series that started with
original arROw SudOkU, which turned out to be very hard and so it was followed by kind of a remake
arROw SudOkU rEduX with the same break-in but easier (but still quite hard).
This one (very different from the first two) should be the easiest of the three.
Big thanks to Piatato for his test solve and feedback.
The rules:
Normal sudoku rules apply, in addition to that:
- each line contains a set of consecutive digits in any order without repeats (standard renban)
- inequality signs indicate inequality between the digits in the corresponding cells.
A small hint:
There are various ways how to resolve the cycle conundrum, if you have trouble breaking it, there is a little observation about renbans that you might find useful (highlight the text below to see it):
If 3 renban lines A, B and C of length 3 form a cycle (i.e. some number in A is smaller then some number in B, some number in B is smaller than some number in C and some number in C is smaller than some number in A), then A, B and C together contain at most 5 different digits.
Have fun with the puzzle, I'll be happy to read your comments/feedback.
ctc app link
f-puzzles link
Lösungscode: column 5 and row 5 (without a comma or a space)
Zuletzt geändert am 18. Oktober 2021, 23:38 Uhr
Gelöst von Piatato, SKORP17, cfop, zhergan, Vebby, Samish, wullemuus, Styku
am 29. Mai 2024, 13:20 Uhr von Styku
Another great idea. I had to restart the puzzle like 5 times because I kept on doing errors. Beautiful logic and solve path. Thank you for creating it :)
Zuletzt geändert am 27. Juli 2022, 20:20 Uhram 27. Juli 2022, 20:11 Uhr von Samish
Excellent puzzle, brilliant construction. It deserves much more light than it got !
Thanks a lot, happy you enjoyed it so much!
am 18. Oktober 2021, 23:38 Uhr von filuta
changed difficulty
Zuletzt geändert am 17. Oktober 2021, 15:50 Uhram 16. Oktober 2021, 21:27 Uhr von Piatato
Again, terrific puzzle!
And thank you, once again!