Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

3 Lines 7 Rules

(Eingestellt am 18. Oktober 2021, 10:56 Uhr von kolot)

Here is another ambiguity puzzle that makes use of all 7 sudoku variants that appear as lines on the grid. For a similar puzzle with a slightly different rule set, you may try Double Ambiguity. I hope you enjoy both puzzles. Your comments and ratings are highly appreciated as usual!

RULES: Normal sudoku rules apply. Digits cannot repeat on each of the marked diagonals. Each grey line obeys one or more of the rules listed below such that each of these 7 rules is obeyed by at least one grey line. The rules obeyed by each grey line must be determined by the solver.

Solve on CTC app

Solve on f-puzzles

1) Arrow rule: The digit on one end of the line is equal to the sum of the remaining digits on the line. Digits may repeat on these lines if allowed by the other rules.

2) Between line rule: The digits on the line (except for the endpoints) must be strictly between the digits on the endpoints. Digits may repeat on these lines if allowed by the other rules.

3) German whispers line rule: Adjacent digits along the line must have a difference of at least 5. Digits may repeat on these lines if allowed by the other rules.

4) Lockout line rule: Digits on the endpoints of the line must have a difference of at least 4, and the remaining digits on the line cannot be between or equal to the digits on the endpoints. Digits may repeat on these lines if allowed by the other rules.

5) Palindrome rule: Digits along the line read the same from either direction.

6) Renban line rule: The line contains a set of consecutive, non-repeating digits in any order.

7) Thermometer rule: Digits strictly increase from one end to the other end of the line.

Lösungscode: Row 1 followed by column 9

Zuletzt geändert am 23. Mai 2022, 10:49 Uhr

Gelöst von Mad-Tyas, Playmaker6174, ___, Shinya, Knitabit, SKORP17, 999ARMEN999, OhHeyGuysItsMax, barer, beesquestionmark, tallcat, DrKleor, FlxCat, kaitoJD, henter, SenatorGronk, LeLoyJenkins, samuella, LMettrop, galgamer, LadyShapeShifter, Piatato, Niverio, DVFrank, Nordy, Vebby, Christounet, zer0keefie, halakani, apwelho, Sewerin, cyddrdrd
Komplette Liste


Zuletzt geändert am 9. Juni 2022, 17:55 Uhr

am 9. Juni 2022, 17:45 Uhr von Christounet
Very nice use of ambiguity here ! I had to write it down on paper to figure out the right associations between the constraints then get into the grid. Reminded it me of a mathematical rule : a square is also a rectangle, and a parallelogram...
Thank you so much for solving the puzzle and for you comment! Good to see that you enjoyed the interactions between the constraints.

am 23. Mai 2022, 10:49 Uhr von kolot
Minır change in wording.

am 28. April 2022, 14:41 Uhr von kolot
Image has changed.

Zuletzt geändert am 31. März 2022, 06:22 Uhr

am 30. März 2022, 23:05 Uhr von Nordy
Loving these ambiguity puzzles! I particularly enjoyed the palindrome and diagonal logic. Looking forward to the next! …although if you do make another one, I’d probably use gray (or a different non-blue) color for the lines because they cause some visual noise in CTC (the blue matches the color of the digits too closely).
Thank you for solving the puzzle and for your feedback on the colors of the lines. I will use gray for the lines.

Zuletzt geändert am 22. November 2021, 12:09 Uhr

am 22. November 2021, 11:58 Uhr von Niverio
Indeed a very similar ruleset, but this one solves very differently aside from the "arrow endpoints" logic. Diagonals add an interesting layer to the solve and the determining of the lines was definitely tougher in this one! Another gem.
Thank you for solving this puzzle too! I liked the way this one works better than the other one.

Zuletzt geändert am 14. November 2021, 21:28 Uhr

am 14. November 2021, 20:02 Uhr von Piatato
Very nice puzzle!
Thank you!

am 28. Oktober 2021, 11:59 Uhr von kolot
CTC app link is added.

Zuletzt geändert am 18. Oktober 2021, 19:08 Uhr

am 18. Oktober 2021, 14:23 Uhr von Shinya
I can only agree with the earlier comments - very nice puzzle, with a good choice of lines, and surprisingly straightforward.
Thank you! The words that describe this puzzle best might be “surprisingly straightforward”.

Zuletzt geändert am 18. Oktober 2021, 19:02 Uhr

am 18. Oktober 2021, 13:40 Uhr von Playmaker6174
Very nice and fun puzzle, really good choice of lines in this one :)
Thank you! Happy to see that you enjoyed it.

Zuletzt geändert am 18. Oktober 2021, 19:02 Uhr

am 18. Oktober 2021, 13:15 Uhr von Mad-Tyas
Nice puzzle!

Bewertung:92 %
Gelöst:32 mal
Beobachtet:14 mal

Variantenkombination Online-Solving-Tool

Lösung abgeben

