Normal sudoku rules apply.
Pro-Knight: The digits 1 2 3 must see an identical digit via a chess knight's move.
Anti-Knight: The digits 7 8 9 must not see an identical digit via a chess knight's move.
Digits within cages sum to the given total.
Solution code: Row 1
on 2. November 2021, 19:32 by PleaseIgnore
I think I found 2 solutions, so it's not unique. There must be a mistake in my process, I'm sure
on 25. October 2021, 18:43 by PinkNickels
beautiful puzzle!
on 25. October 2021, 17:58 by Cyraneo
Approachable with very smooth logic. I really enjoyed solving this. Thank you!
on 25. October 2021, 16:43 by gbrljt
53:41. Amazing puzzle with smooth logic!
on 25. October 2021, 09:07 by alpha_bet
really fun and original ruleset
on 25. October 2021, 07:57 by Will Power
Nice puzzle, thanks.
on 25. October 2021, 06:12 by ExFalsoQuodlibet
fun puzzle, thanks!