Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Thresholds Beyond

(Eingestellt am 5. Oktober 2021, 11:28 Uhr von Barrels)

Normal sudoku rules apply.

Digits in cages sum to the small clue in the top-left corner of the cage.

Grey lines are palindromes and must read the same forwards and backwards.

Digits along an arrow sum to the digit in that arrow's circle.

F-puzzles link


Lösungscode: Rows 3 and 7.

Zuletzt geändert am 31. Oktober 2021, 21:02 Uhr

Gelöst von SKORP17, Kimyee, Isa, OhHeyGuysItsMax, Johan Ribberink, simbabwe, alx, cfop, root_vegetable, KNT, ScatterBrain, cdwg2000, soroush, zorant, jalebc, PrimeWeasel, gamlesvarten, skywalker, jchan18, Raistlen, ParaNox, saskia-daniela, Guillem98, geronimo92, Realshaggy, LittleLake, ManuH, Uhu, Crul, rcg, PinkNickels, Miaocik, zrbakhtiar, Schesam, damasosos92, finger
Komplette Liste


am 31. Oktober 2021, 21:02 Uhr von Barrels
Changed puzzle name.

am 11. Oktober 2021, 22:22 Uhr von PrimeWeasel
Very enjoyable! Solved it in hoping it would get a rating, and it did!

am 7. Oktober 2021, 05:51 Uhr von ScatterBrain
logic is very straight-forward. Good for beginners.

am 6. Oktober 2021, 09:54 Uhr von simbabwe
Neat puzzle. Not too hard but the "trick" to breaking in feels really satisfying.

am 5. Oktober 2021, 11:54 Uhr von Barrels
Solution code changed.

Bewertung:88 %
Gelöst:36 mal
Beobachtet:7 mal

Variantenkombination Online-Solving-Tool

Lösung abgeben

