Es gelten die normalen Sudoku Regeln. Zahlen entlang des Thermometers steigen an (von kalt nach warm). Das Thermometer darf sich auch über mehrere Pentominos erstrecken (muss es aber nicht).
Diese Regeln sollen eine interessante Wechselwirkung erzeugen zwischen den Formen der Pentominos und den Summen.
f-puzzle (ohne Erzwingung der Pentomino Summen)
Lösungscode: Row 5 followed by Column 5
am 24. Oktober 2021, 13:35 Uhr von polar
Very enjoyable solve - thank you!
am 9. Oktober 2021, 18:42 Uhr von cristophermoore
added the pentomino tag :-) duh!
am 7. Oktober 2021, 22:57 Uhr von SimplePurpleFrog
I found the start quite tricky, but once it unwinds it gets quicker.
A beautifully logic puzzle.
am 2. Oktober 2021, 00:15 Uhr von cristophermoore
Thanks, Atticus837!
am 1. Oktober 2021, 15:38 Uhr von Atticus837
I struggled for a few hours trying to find a break in (I'm apparently not very good at pentomino puzzles!) and eventually thought of something entirely different to try and from there the puzzle had some great logic to play with and I'm proud to say I eventually got it! Nice puzzle!
am 30. September 2021, 06:40 Uhr von cristophermoore
thank you!
am 30. September 2021, 06:26 Uhr von JeffWajes
Really cool ruleset and tons of fun logic throughout!
am 27. September 2021, 18:55 Uhr von cristophermoore
added German description
am 25. September 2021, 19:02 Uhr von marcmees
very pleasant solve. thanks.
am 24. September 2021, 19:15 Uhr von cristophermoore
Thank you! I'm hoping the ruleset gets some attention.
am 24. September 2021, 15:41 Uhr von Lizzy01
Very nice!
am 22. September 2021, 08:12 Uhr von ashwin
very nice puzzle!
am 22. September 2021, 05:50 Uhr von cristophermoore
Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it!
am 22. September 2021, 04:47 Uhr von bob
Really nice combination, thanks for creating it.