Imagine a Sudoku with Text-Only: A Gridless 6x6 Antiknight Antidouble Sudoku
(Eingestellt am 15. Oktober 2021, 12:00 Uhr von athin)
Imagine the following Sudoku:
- Imagine the Sudoku has a 6x6 grid with standard boxes, 2 rows and 3 columns each; and standard digits, 1 to 6.
- Imagine it has an antiknight rule: identical digits cannot be chess knight move away from each other.
- Imagine it has an antidouble rule: no digit is orthogonally adjacent to its double.
- Imagine the top-leftmost and bottom-rightmost digits are equal, so do the top-rightmost and bottom-leftmost.
- Imagine in Row 5, there exist 3 adjacent digits that are numerically adjacent too in increasing order from left to right.
- Imagine in Column 1, there exist 3 adjacent digits that are numerically adjacent too in increasing order from top to bottom.
Can you imagine that?
(P.S. This can be fully done logically but might need some "special" knowledge.)
Lösungscode: Row 1 (left-right) and Column 5 (top-bottom).
Zuletzt geändert -
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