Bottom's Up (159 + Irregular)
(Eingestellt am 6. September 2021, 17:27 Uhr von purpl)
This puzzle is designed to destroy your concept of 159 as a simple "remember the high medium low combination" ;) but perhaps you can find the analogs of that idea in this abnormal sudoku grid.
Thanks to PulverizingPancake, shye, MaverickJD, and tallcat for testing!
Irregular sudoku: Each row, column, and region must contain all the digits 1-9 inclusive.
159: Digits in column 1 indicate the column in which the digit 1 appears in that row (e.g. if r4c1 is a 6, r4c6 is a 1). The same applies to columns 5 and 9, with the digits 5 and 9, respectively.
Lösungscode: Row 6 and column 5 (left to right, top to bottom, no spaces, 18 digits)
Gelöst von tallcat, MavericksJD, CastleSheepside, SKORP17, mausi19la03, Isa, marcmees, PulverizingPancake, SudokuExplorer, Andrewsarchus, Askloomok, panthchesh, Macaom, zorant, Arka Badarka, Panthera, Krokant, ... kaitoJD, geronimo92, Julianl, mlkj, morgannamodeaura, bolado, Vebby, AN_not_IO, PippoForte, flaemmchen, karen_birgitta, Colonel, mattnburris, zhergan, antzervos, by81996672, jadezki, sandmoppe