Missing Skyscrapers
(Published on 29. August 2021, 18:20 by UnnamedSorcerer)
Fill each row, column, and box with the digits 0 through 8, once each. The numbers within the grid represent the heights of skyscrapers. Clues outside the grid indicate the number of visible skyscrapers in that row or column as seen from that vantage point. A zero indicates that no skyscraper exists at that location, so zeroes
do not contribute to the skyscraper count. Colored cells which are the same color must contain the same digit. Differently colored cells must contain different digits. Uncolored cells must be deduced.
Colorless Version
Solution code: 4th and 6th rows
Solved by barer, Nejaru, Jesper, OutOfMyMindBRB, marcmees, henrypijames, MagnusJosefsson, kublai, smckinley, StefanSch, bob, sandmoppe, IGoUnseen, polar, Droi, Uhu, ManuH, Alex, KlausRG
on 1. September 2021, 01:19 by UnnamedSorcerer
Danke, StefanSch!
on 1. September 2021, 00:52 by StefanSch
Das hat Spaß gemacht! Danke!