Die gleiche Ziffer kann nicht an der gleichen Stelle in einer anderen 3x3 Box stehen.
Aufeinander folgende Ziffern können nicht direkt nebeneinander oder übereinander im Sudoku stehen.
Keine einzige aufsteigende Diagonale (/) enthält eine Ziffer doppelt.
Lösungscode: Spalte 1 des Sudokus (von oben nach unten).
am 26. August 2021, 20:07 Uhr von Nahileon
Thanks for the clarification! I should have probably written something in the instructions.
I might have overestimated how difficult this puzzle is. None of the steps required are incredibly hard.
am 26. August 2021, 06:40 Uhr von henrypijames
Nice, but not nearly that difficult (slightly under 3 stars but rounding up to 3 for me), because everyone who's watched the OG Miracle Sudoku on CTC knows exactly what to do - one just has to it (and do it well).
am 25. August 2021, 23:28 Uhr von SKORP17
rising Diagonal =
R2C1 - R1C2
R3C1 - R2C2 - R1C3
R9C7 - R8C8 - R7C9
R9C8 - R8C9
R1C8 R2C9
am 25. August 2021, 22:59 Uhr von Nahileon
I'm sorry! I'm new here and wasn't aware, that that was an issue.
am 25. August 2021, 21:40 Uhr von geronimo92
WoWoWoooooh !!!!! Three puzzles at the same time are you a serious person????? Please thanks to read the forum about the flood and how to respect other setters ! Thanks a lot for your comprehension