Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Middle Ground

(Eingestellt am 10. August 2021, 15:53 Uhr von Qodec)

Special thanks to Playmaker6174 for the last disambiguating clue and riffclown for the title!

For some extra fun, do take a look at Playmaker6174's excellent alternative version of the puzzle, Caught Between Enemy Lines, which he constructed parallel to me while I was live streaming setting this one. To me it is super interesting to see how different setters approach a puzzle with the same initial clues, and to be able to compare differences. There are also some really surprising similarities! Just observe what happens to box 8 long after the break-in. I will say no more, you'll have to see for yourself!

  • Normal sudoku rules apply.
  • Arrows: Digits along an arrow in the grid must sum to the digit in its circle.
  • Between lines: Digits on a line connecting two circles must be between the digits in those circles. (I.e. the digit in one circle is greater than all digits on the line, while the digit in the other circle is smaller than all digits on the line.) Digits on between lines can repeat if allowed by other rules.

You can play this puzzle online using:


Lösungscode: Rows 2 and 7. I.e. the 9 digits in row 2 from left to right, followed by the 9 digits in row 7 from left to right, for example: 123456789123456789

Zuletzt geändert am 14. August 2021, 14:21 Uhr

Gelöst von SKORP17, Jesper, Tom1i, parkinson, Piatato, tallcat, Tilberg, Playmaker6174, Dentones, SimiC, Kabuki73, SudokuExplorer, TheRiddler, TimE, MavericksJD, bedabidi, SirWoezel, antiknight, sandrokv, ... smckinley, karen_birgitta, StefanSch, kaitoJD, Emphyrio, amirbeirat, Vebby, morgannamodeaura, soroush, AvonD, zhergan, Bellsita, Megalobrainiac, jalebc, Leilalu222, Bobbobert, apwelho, valle1124
Komplette Liste


am 3. September 2021, 19:58 Uhr von Emphyrio
I really loved all the beginning, brilliant set up :). Not sure what I was missing in the latter part, even with the hints Qodec gave me I couldn't spot it and didn't want to bifurcate to understand it so I'm ashamed to admit I used unicity to finish the solve :P. But it was quite pleasant with it :).

am 15. August 2021, 00:48 Uhr von zetamath
I was really blown away by this one. I got stuck somewhere in the middle, but everything flowed so naturally, I was really impressed!

am 14. August 2021, 14:21 Uhr von Qodec
Added reference to Caught Between Enemy Lines.

am 11. August 2021, 23:51 Uhr von TheRiddler
Pretty challenging, especially since I don't do between-line very often.
Still, a very enjoyable puzzle; thanks a lot!

am 11. August 2021, 16:45 Uhr von Kabuki73
Wonderful break in and quite a few challenges on the way to solve it... nice!

am 10. August 2021, 23:55 Uhr von tallcat
Wonderfully constructed as always!

am 10. August 2021, 19:25 Uhr von Tom1i
Lovely as usual. Thank you Qodec.

Bewertung:90 %
Gelöst:40 mal
Beobachtet:8 mal

Variantenkombination Online-Solving-Tool

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