Titel: The French Connec7ion
Typ: Sudoku
Link: Penpa+ Link zum französischen Connec7ion Sudoku Sie können normale/große/mittlere/kleine blaue, grüne oder rote Zahlen in beliebiger Kombination verwenden.
Link: F-Puzzles Link zu The French Connec7ion Sudoku
Varianten: Pfeil, Killerkäfige
1) Sudoku
2) Pfeil
3) Killerkäfige
4) Anmerkungen
Lösungscode: Geben Sie die 18 Ziffern von Zeile 7 gefolgt von Spalte 6 ein.
am 24. Juli 2021, 12:39 Uhr von Playmaker6174
Nice puzzle with stunning interactions between the clues, it made me shook at how the clues work :O
I know you to be a good solver. I am grateful for your kindness ~ZH
am 23. Juli 2021, 19:33 Uhr von Zombie Hunter
Difficulty up to 4 stars. Thank you Tom1i
am 23. Juli 2021, 19:23 Uhr von Tom1i
Very fun solve. I agree with D:4.
am 23. Juli 2021, 15:48 Uhr von Sktx
Solved it again after my test solve :). I think this time the break-in logic flowed smoother for me. A very pleasant solve, with a great opening. Well done, Zombie Hunter ! And I would rate it 4 stars difficulty, the opening can be a bit hard to work out.
am 22. Juli 2021, 00:42 Uhr von DiMono
Wonderful puzzle, both this and its pair were fantastic.
am 21. Juli 2021, 07:13 Uhr von cdwg2000
Very nice!
I am honored that once again you have taken the time to solve one of my puzzles. ~ZH
am 21. Juli 2021, 00:09 Uhr von Emphyrio
Solved it again for good measure, lovely puzzle!