Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

The King's Assassin

(Eingestellt am 10. Juli 2021, 09:09 Uhr von Joseph nehme)


- Normal Standard Sudoku rules apply.

- Outlined regions are cages. The sum of digits in a cage is given in the top-left and digits cannot repeat.

- King's move rules: Any 2 cells separated by a king's move in chess cannot contain the same digit.

- Colors are just for decoration.

As always, your feedback, comments and ratings are highly appreciated. Enjoy :)

F-puzzle link for solving below (With colors):

F-Puzzle link

F-puzzle link for solving below (Without colors):

F-Puzzle link

Lösungscode: Row 9 followed by column 2 (no spaces and no commas) ie (123456789987654321)

Gelöst von Cane_Puzzles, cdwg2000, Fedo , Storm, Julianl, Steven R, Swood, Fred Yamred, SKORP17, Playmaker6174, polar, Pila, Quarterthru, PixelPlucker, bernhard, bedabidi, wilsig, Caterinas80, ___, weiken, ... cegie, Tojvoh, ManuH, Lisztes, textwine, Pibonacci, tinounou, lovely, zlotnleo, StefanSch, karen_birgitta, Vebby, skywalker, 999ARMEN999, Crul, flaemmchen, zorant, PippoForte, Just me, AvonD
Komplette Liste


am 13. Juli 2021, 10:50 Uhr von Joseph nehme
@smistry Thank you. Am glad you enjoyed it :)

am 13. Juli 2021, 08:41 Uhr von smistry
Enjoyed solving it thanks for setting.

am 10. Juli 2021, 14:45 Uhr von Joseph nehme
@Playmaker6174 Thank you. Glad you liked it :)

am 10. Juli 2021, 14:41 Uhr von Playmaker6174
Fun and very smooth puzzle, I had a great time with it :)

Bewertung:94 %
Gelöst:55 mal
Beobachtet:13 mal

Standardrätsel Rätselvariante

Lösung abgeben

