This is my first puzzle! Thank you for playing.
Normal sudoku rules apply.
Orthogonal squares may not have a difference of 1 or 4.
Numbers in a cage must sum to the value in the upper left-hand corner.
Numbers in cells around a dot must have the ratio indicated by the dot.
Solution code: Column 2 and column 8 (top to bottom). No spaces.
on 6. July 2021, 02:27 by Bottle
Included link to penpa solver with accurate solution checking. F-puzzles can give false positives.
on 6. July 2021, 01:20 by Bellsita
The 3 ratio in box 2 is actually broken and I don't think it's important to solve the puzzle.
Hey Bellsita! It isn't broken but I believe it's my fault regardless (there's one solution and it's correct in that solution). There was no way to integrate my difference 4 constraint in f-puzzles, so you probably inverted some set of digits but still got a correct solution from f-puzzles. I don't know how, but if you could send me your solution that would be great and I'm going to edit the solve link to be a site that won't give you a false positive.
And thank you for the message!
*Forget it hahahahaha I just noticed that I confused the meaning of ratio and difference hahahaha The puzzle is right! I just solved to much sudokus and can't think anymore. English is not my first language so I get confused some times.
**No worries! Thanks so much for playing!