Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Fog of War II

(Eingestellt am 26. Juni 2021, 22:19 Uhr von Innocuous)


  • Normal Sudoku rules apply
  • Digits in a circle must appear in the four surrounding cells
  • Some gray regions are Kropki regions: a black diamond indicates digits with a 2:1 ratio and a white diamond indicates consecutive digits
  • The other gray regions are XV regions: a black diamond indicates digits that sum to 10 and a white diamond indicates digits that sum to 5
  • The solver must determine which gray regions are Kropki and which are XV. Digits must not repeat in gray regions.
  • Not all diamonds are given
  • One-cell cages all contain the same digit


CTC app

Lösungscode: Row 4 and column 7

Zuletzt geändert am 16. August 2021, 23:51 Uhr

Gelöst von SKORP17, OhHeyGuysItsMax, kuraban, jchan18, denniscch, Isa, Zenryo, ManuH, CahounCZ, cechinho, johnnypinkpants, fca.felix.sudoku, Sewerin, tobymgk, shika, Martini&Toto, pieter888, suessersenf, wiry, kp0hyc, panceps, BEHamren, ole-1995a, zrbakhtiar, whtshername, WvdWest, Drafuf, m_busuttil, Crul, abihummel, Phandor, BBoris, duckling, tdeo, xbw_________, belnovic, x3y2z1, DiMono, atomvic
Komplette Liste


am 16. August 2021, 23:51 Uhr von Innocuous
update tags

am 26. Juni 2021, 22:20 Uhr von Innocuous
fixed title

Bewertung:82 %
Gelöst:39 mal
Beobachtet:13 mal

Standardrätsel Rätselvariante

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