More Yellow Quinellas
(Eingestellt am 7. Juli 2021, 06:00 Uhr von manushand)
- Standard Sudoku Rules Apply
- Quinellas (L-shaped Colored Regions)
- The sum total of all the squares in the rectangle bounded by each L-shaped region is given in that region's red cage.
The sum of the digits in the rectangle that is bounded by R1C1 and R4C3 is written in the cage at R1C1 and R1C2.
- Yellow Quinella Without a Cage
- The sum of the digits in the rectangle bounded by the yellow Quinella that does not contain a cage is the same sum as that of the other yellow quinella.
- Arrows
- The digits along each arrow sum to the digit in its circle.
Lösungscode: Reihe 2
Zuletzt geändert -
Gelöst von SKORP17, soroush