Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Square and squares

(Eingestellt am 24. Juni 2021, 16:52 Uhr von steelwool)

Please note: there is a clear break-in for those in the know, that will make this a straightforward solve (hence I have given this 3 stars). If you don't know the secret (not that one, Simon - well, not just that one) then you will find this a bit more tricky (nearer 5 stars).

All cages sum to the given value, or the cage sum is a square number, with no repeated digits.
Only consecutive dots inside a cage are shown, and all these are present.
The Little Killer diagonals sum to the given value and may repeat digits.

Solve the puzzle online at F-Puzzles.

Lösungscode: Enter the digits from Row 4, followed by the digits from Column 8

Zuletzt geändert am 30. Juni 2021, 10:58 Uhr

Gelöst von kublai, butch02, zorant, XeonRisq, PotatoHead21
Komplette Liste


am 30. Juni 2021, 10:58 Uhr von steelwool
Edit board to match the instructions!

am 28. Juni 2021, 13:20 Uhr von steelwool
Update puzzle, missing difference cell!

Zuletzt geändert am 27. Juni 2021, 22:53 Uhr

am 27. Juni 2021, 21:48 Uhr von XeonRisq
Nice puzzle, loved the cage total restraint for the unnumbered cages. And interesting use of the negative restraint on dots only in cages.
-- thanks, i am pleased you enjoyed it.

Gelöst:5 mal
Beobachtet:9 mal


Lösung abgeben

