Lösungscode: The letters of the shapes in column 2 from top to bottom, followed by row 2 from left to right. (In the example grid, this would be ILPJLLPYJI.)
am 10. August 2023, 07:07 Uhr von MicroStudy
linex on this grid looks super weird but i highly recommend it
am 18. September 2021, 09:20 Uhr von Mark Sweep
It was a lot less intimidating than I would have thought. The nice logical path definitely helped!
Yep, it's quite restrictive. :)
Thanks for solving!
am 20. August 2021, 23:26 Uhr von Vebby
Very nice! Interesting grid, took me a while to get acclimatized. Felt it got easier as the solve progressed. Thanks Aron!
PS for future solvers: For activating solution check on Penpa+, use Edge -> Normal, not Edge -> Free.
Thank YOU for solving! :D
am 18. August 2021, 22:06 Uhr von Aspartagcus
Added "Online solving tool" tag
am 4. August 2021, 20:45 Uhr von Aspartagcus
Added tags.
am 2. Juli 2021, 11:46 Uhr von MagnusJosefsson
Very interesting and cool puzzle! Getting started was the most challenging part for me, after placing the first six or so pentominoes it flowed very smoothly. Very aesthetically pleasing grid as well!
Thank you, that means a lot to me. :)
am 29. Juni 2021, 12:39 Uhr von Aspartagcus
Changed difficulty from average to hard.
am 22. Juni 2021, 19:13 Uhr von Jesper
Very creative! It was a slow but steady solve for me, since I was completely unaccustomed to this type of grid. Fascinating how different the logic is from normal Pentominous.
Thanks for solving! Yes, it takes a bit of getting used to, but I actually find it easier to solve than normal pentominous. The grid makes it quite a bit more restrictive than with a square grid (which made it much easier to break the puzzle while setting, but it was still lots of fun to set).