Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

X at x-th sum

(Eingestellt am 17. Juni 2021, 17:41 Uhr von bigger)

Standard sudoku rules applies. Fill the grid with numbers from 1 to 6 so each digit occurs exactly once in every row, column and 2x3 box.

Clues outside indicate the sum of the first x digits, where x is the x-th digit in that direction.

Here comes 9X9.(because it’s too easy) All possible rows and columns have a clue. Rows or columns without a clue don’t have a x at x-th.

These puzzles are made by Old Miles from China. I never went to CSC, but Old Miles had. It appeared in 2018 CSC, with the name the true x-sum. The rule is slightly different from what I thought and presented. I want the negative restraint to play some role. Also a lot of us just deny that stupid name. Old Miles also called this anchor sum. It took me so long to persuade him not to use the word anchor. It’s so easy to be neglected and way too hard to remember what the rule is. So we came to an agreement to use x at x-th sum as official name but anchor sum as nickname(for Old Miles) It’s also a May idea. In a word, any name is better than true x-sum.

I think I might drop x-sum for some time. I think I already found the the two pinnacles of x-sum, n-sum and x+. Y-sum is half way to the top and have n-sum is too close to it. I need a quarter variant. Glad I found it.

Lösungscode: 6th row first then second(15 digits)

Zuletzt geändert am 12. Oktober 2022, 20:28 Uhr

Gelöst von Isa, SudokuExplorer, ArchonE, marcmees, Dina, cdwg2000, DiMono, Nothere, RockyRoer, saskia-daniela, Jesper, ManuH, kkli, sherrick, brandon_bot, Raistlen, kolot, Cane_Puzzles, Abl3t0nnile, jgarber, kublai, rcg, whatisaphone, Storm, Rollo, Ulistef, zorant, Mody, ParaNox, juhish, Leodekri, Crul, h5663454, vmirandaa, zrbakhtiar
Komplette Liste


am 22. Juni 2021, 20:15 Uhr von bigger
Ok, this is really weird. First of all, it's a one star. If I think it's very easy, anyone who think otherwise has a big problem. It's not like a four star annoyance agreement problem. If you disagree with the stars, leave a comment and let me know why. I've seen coloring only two stars and MSLS or je not 5 star. So you are going to justify your stars why it's hard. Good luck with your reasoning.
Second, why so many people? You do know I'll check my puzzles some points on the future. This kind of weird surge reveals what your preference is. In This case, a meh idea. The problem is Old Miles made puzzles for fun. So there might be a anniversary type puzzle for here. But if he check the data, he might give up the idea of making one.(I kind of give up, so chances are he might too)
Anyway, stop giving this puzzle attention. I don't want anyone to paraphrase this rule, unless with twists. I refuse to believe you like this one more. It's a variant that deserved to be forgot. Don't make me remember it.

am 19. Juni 2021, 05:17 Uhr von brandon_bot
I mistakenly interpreted the solution code as the 6th row of the first puzzle and then the 2nd row of the second. I feel like any possible confusion could be removed with unambiguous phrasing like "6th row of first and second puzzle". Then again, I have incredibly poor reading comprehension skills.

am 18. Juni 2021, 05:15 Uhr von cdwg2000
Beautiful and simple rule set, twisted X-Sums, note that the first puzzle has no negative constraints.

am 18. Juni 2021, 03:42 Uhr von Dina
Interesting ruleset and easy puzzle! :-D

am 17. Juni 2021, 21:44 Uhr von SudokuExplorer
F-Puzzles link for 6x6: https://f-puzzles.com/?id=yf89kpon

F-Puzzles link for 9x9: https://f-puzzles.com/?id=ygaf44bw

Bewertung:92 %
Gelöst:35 mal
Beobachtet:12 mal


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