Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Circuit board

(Eingestellt am 17. Juni 2021, 05:49 Uhr von SirSchmoopy)

Digits in a grey square are even.

Digits may not repeat along the diagonal.

Standard little killer rules apply. Numbers outside of the grid show the sum of all digits on their indicated diagonal, digits may repeat on the diagonal if allowed by other rules

Standard arrow rules apply. Numbers on an arrow sum to the circled digit.

Standard thermo rules apply. Numbers increase along a thermometer, starting from a bulb

Standard killer rules apply. Digits in a cage cannot repeat and sum to the total indicated in the top left corner of the cage.

The grey lines are palindromes and the digits read the same forwards and backwards (there are 3 palindromes, one on each arrow besides the arrow whose circled digit is R7C3)

Play on F-puzzles

Lösungscode: Row 2 + Row 3 (ex: 123456789456789123)

Zuletzt geändert am 17. Juni 2021, 06:06 Uhr

Gelöst von jchan18, cdwg2000, Marcos, cfop, orodromeus, zorant, J_Whatley, lksso, skywalker, Lakritze, BADG3RMAN, Yerui, Mutiny, petrolguzzler, Steven R, Isa, Goldilocks, NC1403, Ragna, Shmartus, john9, ... Nusi, ParaNox, moss, ForrestJax, bob, gbrooks3, saskia-daniela, lovely, Omnicole, PinkNickels, Crul, bolado, NineK, lutzreimer, zrbakhtiar, flaemmchen, Carolin, pepe74287, josemadre, Schesam, finger
Komplette Liste


am 21. Januar 2022, 14:46 Uhr von PinkNickels
"No! You're Schmoopy!"

am 24. Oktober 2021, 13:05 Uhr von uvo_mod
Labels ergänzt.

am 29. Juni 2021, 08:36 Uhr von KyleBaran
It's not bad for your second puzzle! I liked the symmetrical design, as well as the logic for the palindrome/arrow sums.

The puzzle felt less interesting towards the end, and after I had filled in the given clues it was just a matter of doing regular logic until everything resolved (though the killer clues helped at the end). I'm not sure how you would improve this part, as it's something I need to work on in my own setting, but it seemed notable to me.

am 17. Juni 2021, 17:07 Uhr von SirSchmoopy
@BADG3RMAN and @Lakritze Glad you liked it :) About the 28 LK, I wanted to try to keep the grid fairly symmetrical, and there's actually quite a few unecessary clues to keep the symmetry. In fact, you don't even need the given digit!

This is only the second puzzle i've ever created and the first one i tried only leave what's required, and got lots of feedback that it was unreasonably difficult so i tried to play it safe. I'll keep working to try to get the right balance

am 17. Juni 2021, 12:23 Uhr von BADG3RMAN
Nice and easy puzzle. Great for beginners and people who aren't super-advanced solvers! However, the 28 Little Killer really isn't necessary here and can be left out :)

am 17. Juni 2021, 11:52 Uhr von Lakritze
Nice puzzle!
The 28 little killer clue was not necessary though :)

am 17. Juni 2021, 11:40 Uhr von lksso
Great Sudoku, but <3* ... ;)

Zuletzt geändert am 17. Juni 2021, 06:07 Uhr

am 17. Juni 2021, 06:06 Uhr von SirSchmoopy
Something went wrong with my submission and it removed my title, updated for clarity.

Bewertung:86 %
Gelöst:105 mal
Beobachtet:8 mal

Variantenkombination Online-Solving-Tool

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