Thermometers: Digits must strictly increase along thermometers, starting from the bulb.
Disjoint sets: A digit may not appear in the same position in any two boxes.
Solution code: Column 9
on 22. October 2021, 13:57 by uvo_mod
Labels angepasst.
on 3. September 2021, 21:12 by SSG
Added CTC app link.
on 13. June 2021, 07:03 by Mufasa
Same as kyle, this is my first disjoint solve. Had to work out the logic. Thank you.
on 12. June 2021, 05:57 by KyleBaran
Also took me about 45 minutes to solve; I figured out the main logic in about 18 minutes and from there, it was just a matter of working everything together. Actually the first puzzle I solved with a disjoint set, it wasn't as scary as I thought it would be.
on 12. June 2021, 00:47 by Alchemist
This was my first attempted puzzle on this site! Took me 42min, but left me feeling very accomplished. Thanks for posting!
on 11. June 2021, 18:05 by MattWCompton
Great puzzle! The constraints work together to keep it approachable and fun throughout.
on 11. June 2021, 11:18 by Goofy
Really nice puzzle. It was a smooth solve from start to finish.