Fülle jede Zeile, Spalte und umrandete 3x3-Box mit den Ziffern 1-9.
Ein Hinweis in einer Zelle gibt die Summe der 9 Ziffern in dem 3x3-Bereich an, dessen Zentrum die Hinweiszelle ist.
Ich habe diesem Rätsel den Namen "Mad-Tya-ness" gegeben, weil es auf jeden Fall mein mit Abstand schwierigstes Rätsel ist. Wenn du absolut keine Idee für den Start des Rätsels hast, kannst du unter diesem Link eine detaillierte Erläuterung (englisch) des Starts finden. Viel Spaß mit dem Rätsel!
Lösungscode: Reihe 9 gefolgt von Spalte 9 (18 Ziffern)
am 19. Januar 2022, 15:24 Uhr von Mad-Tyas
Added CTC link and updated puzzle description.
am 22. Oktober 2021, 13:53 Uhr von uvo_mod
Label ergänzt.
am 20. Juni 2021, 01:28 Uhr von Mad-Tyas
changed title
am 15. Juni 2021, 22:25 Uhr von zhergan
@Mad-Tyas: Absolutely:) Thanks again..
am 15. Juni 2021, 13:14 Uhr von Mad-Tyas
Thank you for solving the puzzle and your nice comment!
Especially because I now had strong doubts that the puzzle would be solved at all.
I hope you have a good feeling about the time you took to do so :)
am 15. Juni 2021, 10:24 Uhr von zhergan
Thanks for this very nice idea! The latter one you've published stays as a tasty cookie besides this one. I have to say that I've used the hint you gave. I was on the way to reach the state mentioned in the hint but later on I've made a terrible mistake and messed up. Also after using the hint the puzzle remains harder according to me. When I was younger I'd played a racing game namely Midtown Madness. Strangely I remembered that game when I was thinking about a name offer for this puzzle. So I can offer Mid-Block Madness for this one. Since the word block refers to 3x3 standard blocks in sudoku maybe Mid-Area Madness may be a better choice. I'm wondering to see the further implementations of this cool idea..
am 11. Juni 2021, 10:57 Uhr von Cane_Puzzles
PrimeWeasel used something very similar to this clue type in this puzzle: https://logic-masters.de/Raetselportal/Raetsel/zeigen.php?id=00058T
The only difference is that in your puzzle, the middle digit is included in the sum. I don't know if the same clue type exists in another puzzle.