Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Renbanana Sandwich

(Published on 3. June 2021, 13:44 by Piatato)

Is it an owl? Is it a kitten, a samurai or an Angry Bird!? Is it a Jolly Monkey - playing his cymbals and hoping for a Renbanana Sandwich?


1) Normal Sudoku Rules Apply. Every row, column, and box must contain the digits 1-9 with no repeats.

2) Standard Sandwich Sudoku Rules Apply. Clues outside the grid gives the sum of digits placed between 1 and 9 in the corresponding row or column.

3) Renban Rules Apply. Each line contains a set of consecutive, non-repeating digits, in any order.


Solve on F-Puzzles here.
Solve in the CTC webapp here.

Solution code: Row 2, column 2

Last changed on on 30. January 2023, 12:24

Solved by sandrokv, OhHeyGuysItsMax, Aaronomys, Yerui, sheypex, marcmees, leemsa, john9, zorant, Uhu, OJPS, djorr, SKORP17, RockyRoer, ManuH, NC1403, FryTheGuy, skywalker, karen_birgitta, jalebc, Julianl, ... PrimeWeasel, rachelwu57, filuta, Vebby, Playmaker6174, Crawlie, geronimo92, apwelho, SuikaPredator, mnasti2, lerroyy, LadyShapeShifter, karlmortenlunna, Bellsita, Christounet, me and the paws, koXx
Full list


on 15. May 2024, 18:35 by Christounet
Nice :)

on 30. January 2023, 12:24 by Piatato
Added solving link.

on 8. April 2022, 15:27 by PrimeWeasel
Good fun! Gonna get a Banana smoothie now.

on 9. August 2021, 23:13 by Piatato
Changed labels and tags.

Rating:91 %
Solved:39 times
Observed:9 times

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