Finally, May has passed. I forgot, so I packed it all up and here it is. All the following puzzles had already been published by Old Miles, just letting you guys know what difficulty we enjoy.
It’s been 13 years since 2008.5.12, the day that we all remember, the day that unite us all, the day that marked the start of Chinese voluntary work. It definitely deserve a variant of its own. The thing is, I’m not satisfied with PrimeWeasel’s idea. Earthquake should have more to do with skyscraper rather than killer, which should not be a thing at all. However, his second earthquake showed a possibility-not start with 9 skyscraper. This change the whole dynamic of the variant, which is why I’m a little bit upset when I saw the third earthquake. Also in between grkles released his first variant, earthquake, which has fallen skyscrapers. Cool idea, but not what I’m looking for, way too complicate for our audience to understand. Also building doesn’t fall like domino. It’s a new variant for sure, but it’s a stale rule, I can’t think of anything to change it. One small side note, at that time, when I see a title that has ‘new variant’, the first idea is oh no, you can’t be serious.
So for this idea, I’m thinking a way to take out the big boys. Then came the idea of resonance. So what if building who had the same resonant frequency as the ground came tumbling down. What if row/column number digits get destroyed? And here comes the skyscraper. It's friendly, now I think of it, yeah, why there weren't a friendly skyscraper. Or I miss it?
To be honest, if anyone copy the same rule and paraphrased it and changed title again and again, it’s going to piss off every puzzle setter in China, let alone the generic naming and total rewritten of the same rule. Unfortunately, Old Miles only found about 10 copyable ideas, here’s one of them. BTW, 520 marks the start of a ten days love period, that’s why it’s shape like this. And I kind of not wanting to write a poem, too tiring.
In the middle runs a 3 cell wide river, dividing the grid into two parts, left and right, this shore and that. The outside clues show a pair of symmetric shore points in that direction.
The idea comes from Richard.
May 21st this year was one of the solar term, lesser fullness of grain, which is also the nick name for Miles. So Old Miles made this for him. According to the solar calender, this solar term only appears at May 20th, 21st or 22nd.
Here comes the problem, we knew the sum of the cells which share a border with the same 5 should be one of the three, but should it apply to all or all apply to one. In the end, we choose the latter one, which is easier. I just don’t want to solve a difficult sum.
You might be wondering why I post puzzles. In the past, I hope to share the variant I like and wait for some spin off, which is exactly what would happen here. Later I just want to show you there’s always a new variant. There are so many stuff one can put into a puzzle to make it fun, from naming, wording, timing and structure clues. Now I just think here as a place to log my ideas and feelings, just like Old Miles. He published puzzles on wechat when he wanted to(he didn’t had above 4 day one as I did). It’s still fun to post, like writing a diary.
Lösungscode: Column 4 in the first one and column 5 of the second and third (24 digits)
am 16. Oktober 2021, 04:57 Uhr von bigger
Fix solution code. Typo 9 to 0, my bad