Eine Fibel für "das andere Geheimnis". ;-) Es gelten die normalen Sudoku-Regeln. Ziffern in Käfigen müssen die Summe der Zahl in der linken oberen Ecke ergeben. Ziffern dürfen sich in Käfigen nicht wiederholen. Entlang der Thermometern müssen die Ziffern vom Zwiebelende aus ansteigen. Kommentare willkommen!
Spiele hier: https://f-puzzles.com/?id=ye9sf9uj
Lösungscode: Erste Reihe des Puzzles
am 21. Dezember 2021, 23:28 Uhr von Moses*
Danke für an Simon von CTC für die Erleuchtung und PDN für die wunderbare Reise in die Welt der geometrischen Puzzles! Definitiv eines meiner Favoriten!
** Wow Moses. Sie sind in die Welt von Phistomefel eingetaucht. Du steigst auf! Schöne Ferien. :-)
am 14. Oktober 2021, 11:15 Uhr von uvo_mod
Labels angepasst.
am 3. Juni 2021, 17:06 Uhr von PDN777
@rugbyrefmd - I am so touched! What a lovely story. Simon and Mark are my inspiration too. I am so happy you are enjoying my puzzles, and if things continue as planned, they will keep coming. With warmth, --Prahas
am 3. Juni 2021, 02:42 Uhr von rugbyrefmd
I am new to sudoku at the age of 67, having just retired from the practice of medicine after forty wonderful years. It has always been my advice to retiring and aging patients to take up something which challenges their brain, yet they enjoy. That's how I found Simon and Mark. I can feel my skills improving by the week, solving three or four hours a day. Right now, Prahas, your puzzles are the toughest ones I can reliably do, and so you are my favorite constructor. Thanks!
am 2. Juni 2021, 23:23 Uhr von PDN777
@sPaulding - feeling much gratitude. :-)
am 2. Juni 2021, 04:11 Uhr von sPaulding
What a lovely puzzle - smooth throughout without being too easy.
am 1. Juni 2021, 23:42 Uhr von PDN777
@linux - yes that's one of my favorite parts. :-) @matt - yes. I felt that since, once you see the ring, the puzzle is fairly easy, making it an intro to "the other secret" was best. Thank you both for taking the time! :-)
am 31. Mai 2021, 21:28 Uhr von wentel21
very nice and lovely puzzle <3 Thx!
am 31. Mai 2021, 21:15 Uhr von PDN777
@geronimo92. Sure, no problem. @wentel Thanks so much - I'm glad you enjoyed!
am 31. Mai 2021, 20:53 Uhr von geronimo92
Please can you wait a few days between two publications? Thanks a lot for understanding