Lösungscode: Row 9
am 7. Juli 2024, 19:26 Uhr von mezkur7
Sudokupad: https://sudokupad.app/8mcd6rem0h
am 6. Oktober 2021, 16:34 Uhr von uvo_mod
Labels ergänzt.
am 31. Mai 2021, 14:37 Uhr von Tom1i
I really liked it - recommend highly (if you liked Asterisk by clover, my guess is, you'll like this one). Would rate it more difficult than Tilberg (3+ stars), but maybe I missed a trick or two.
am 31. Mai 2021, 10:12 Uhr von Selsted
Thank you. It can be hard for me to judge the difficulty. But then please rate it, so it can get the correct difficulty. :)
am 30. Mai 2021, 23:37 Uhr von Tilberg
Thank you!