Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Eingestellt am 20. Mai 2021, 19:20 Uhr von e7odie)

This is my very first sudoku I've ever set. There's stuff in here I was hoping to be able to do without, but alas. Feedback is very much appreciated.

Normal sudoku rules apply, as well as standard kropki, thermo, little killer, and palindrome (colored lines) rules.

Play on F-Puzzles

Lösungscode: Enter column 1 digits (top-down, no spaces)

Gelöst von Nyarlah, ArchonE, samuella, donnystam9, john9, Uhu, henter, IAM3, steelwool, OhHeyGuysItsMax, skywalker, Laje6, Cane_Puzzles, SKORP17, J0llywalrus, Fedo , Nairi, fpac, jorgenunez, Greg, Raistlen, ... Omnicole, klara37, TylerS, PinkNickels, jalebc, JSmoove1099, -Tsigje-, cdwg2000, LadyRuatha, NineK, Miaocik, metacom, zrbakhtiar, Carolin, Jordan Timm, abadx, Crul, pepe74287, finger, drf93
Komplette Liste


am 11. September 2021, 01:54 Uhr von uvo_mod
Labels ergänzt.

am 21. Mai 2021, 22:53 Uhr von Ragna
Very nice puzzle, thank you! :-))

am 21. Mai 2021, 09:23 Uhr von jimblek
Excellent puzzle. Thanks.

am 20. Mai 2021, 21:37 Uhr von jorgenunez
I thought it was a nice puzzle, specially for a first time setter. Easy, but the rules interact really nice with each other (specially at the end).
Keep working!

Bewertung:81 %
Gelöst:103 mal
Beobachtet:8 mal

Variantenkombination Online-Solving-Tool

Lösung abgeben

